MaintenanceCHECKING THE OIL LEVEL IN THE TANKCAU T I ONFine jets of hydraulic oil under pressure canpenetrate the skin. Do not use your fingers, buta piece of cardboard to detect oil leaks.Visually check the hydraulic oil level through level Alocated on the reservoir ( in GTH-4013 EX it’s visiblethrough the slot on the right side of the chassis).When necessary, add new oil through filler B.SERVICE INTERVALRunning-in _________ Within the first 10 hoursOrdinary __________________ Every 50 hoursPROT ECT T H EEN V I RON M EN TThe handling and disposing of used oils can beruled by local or national regulations. Address toauthorised centres.CHANGING THE HYDRAULIC OILTo change the hydraulic oil, proceed as follows:1 Stop the machine on a level ground and makesure the parking brake is engaged.2 Release the pressure from the hydraulic circuit.3 Place a container of suitable size under the drainplug, placed in the lower part of the reservoir, andcollect any oil leaks.4 Remove the drain plug C and allow oil to flow outinto the container.5 Remove the inspection cover of tank D.6 Carefully wash the tank with Diesel oil and blowa jet of compressed air.7 Refit the drain plug and the inspection cover.8 Add new oil by making sure that it matches therecommended type until it is level with A.SERVICE INTERVALRunning-in __________________________ NoneOrdinary ________________Every 1000 hours GTH-4514 EXGTH-4017 EXGTH-4013 EXPart No. 57.0009.0454 GTH-4013EX - GTH-4514EX - GTH-4017EX 75Operator’s ManualSecond Edition - Second PrintingCourtesy of Crane.Market