500 LITRES CONCRETE BUCKET(code 59.0400.0000 _ Manual Version)(code 59.0400.1000 _ Hydraulic Version)ApplicationAttachment coupled to the standard forks of thehandler and fixed by means of the special chainswith shackle provided.SafetyStrictly obey the general safety precautions givenin section “Safety”.OperationFork the bucket bearing in mind the side where theproduct will be unloaded.Secure the bucket to the forks using the chainsprovided. To unload the concrete: Manual Version: manually operate the gateopening lever Hydraulic Version: operate the attachmentlocking lever after connecting the feeding lines ofthe new attachment to the quick couplingsMaintenanceVisually check the bucket for damage before using it.Wash with water after use or in case of prolongedinactivity to prevent the mix or residues fromhardening.Check for oil leaks from hoses and connectors.Carefully protect the quick connectors oncedisconnected to prevent impurities from enteringthe circuit.Check the chains after every use and replace themif worn or damaged.For the use of this attachment, read the specificmanual.TECHNICAL DATACapacity 500 litresWidth 1110 mmLength 1110 mmHeight 1320 mmWeight 230 kgSAE Capacity 0.5 m3CoG 700 mmOptional AttachmentsOperator’s Manual First Edition - Second Printing142 GTH-4013 SX - GTH-4017 SX - GTH-4013 EX - GTH-4017 EX Part No. 57.0009.0540Courtesy of Crane.Market