Operator’s Manual42 GTH-4013 SX - GTH-4017 SX - GTH-4013 EX - GTH-4017 EX Part No. 57.0009.0540First Edition - Second PrintingDescription Of The MachineGTH-4017 EX GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe machine mainly consist of a mobile carriage,equipped with an operator’s cabin and a telescopicboom with a load handling attachment articulationcapable to handle and carry payloads not exceedingthe rated capacity of the machine.The mechanical power necessary to move themachine and to operate the load handling mechanismis provided by a diesel engine installed on the rightside of the machine and controlled by a mechanicalpedal located inside the operator’s cabin.The diesel fuel feeding the engine is contained ina steel tank located on the left side of the chassis,immediately behind the operator’s cabin.The engine powers three hydraulic pumps. The biggerone, which is a piston type variable displacementpump, is directly flanged to the engine flywheelhousing and is hydraulically linked to a pistontype variable displacement hydraulic motor, whichgenerates the torque necessary for the machinetranslation.These two units are the main components of thehydrostatic transmission which is mechanicallylinked to the machine axles and wheels. In particular,the hydraulic motor is flanged to a two-speedmechanical gear box installed on a central structuralbeam linking the two sides of the chassis.The mechanical torque generated by the hydrostaticmotor and passing through the gear box, istransmitted to the front and rear axles by two driveshafts located on the machine centerline so providinga 4X4 wheels drive capability.Both the hydrostatic pump and motor areelectronically controlled by an electronic controlunit located inside the operator’s cabin immediatelybehind the operator’s seat.The four wheels are equipped with tires suitable tooperate the machine in all the working conditionswhich have been foreseen for this model andcapable to withstand the maximum loads generatedby the machine weight and payloads.The second gear type pump, flanged on the backof the bigger one and mechanically linked to thatby a passing through PTO, produces the flow andpressure to move the telescopic boom and the loadhandling attachment articulation and to power thesteering system.The third gear type pump is flanged to the enginedistribution lateral PTO and powers the servicebrakes system, the front stabilizers and the chassisleveling system and the engine cooler fan hydraulicmotor. These three pumps are fed through oilsuction lines which are linked to the hydraulic oiltank installed on the bottom center of the chassis.This oil tank, steel made, is provided also with theoil filter package (return type), the oil level gaugesand the oil charging cap.The engine and the three pumps are installed insidea suitable engine compartment consisting of a fixedlower bay made in steel and of a upper fiberglassbonnet which can be opened to allow servicingactivities in the engine compartment.The engine compartment also includes the engineand hydraulic system cooler, provided with anadditional coolant expansion tank and with a remotecoolant fan hydraulically powered, the air intake ductand filter, the electrical alternator, the battery, thebattery disconnection device and the fuel and theengine oil filters.The engine exhaust duct is then routed from thebottom of the engine compartment to the lateralback side of the chassis where the engine exhaustmuffler is installed with a final duct having a geometrycapable to eject the engine exhaust gas up and backfrom the machine.The telescopic boom, hinged on the back of thechassis, mainly consists in four steel tubes havingrectangular sections and provided with a loadhandling attachment articulation for payload stuffing/unstuffing and transportation purposes.The outer section is hinged in the back top area of thechassis and moved by an hydraulic cylinder linkedbetween its bottom surface and the central bottomarea of the chassis.The extension/retraction of this cylinder producesthe boom outer section to rotate between the boomup and down limits.The boom bigger intermediate section can telescopewith respect the outer one by a boom extensioncylinder which is installed on the top of the boom.The smaller intermediate and the inner sections aremoved by a chains system made by special chains,Courtesy of Crane.Market