Operation Manual – Information CenterH3C S3100-52P Ethernet Switch Chapter 1 Information Center1-2Severity Severity value Descriptionalerts 2 Information that demands promptreactioncritical 3 Critical informationerrors 4 Error informationwarnings 5 Warningsnotifications 6 Normal information that needs tobe noticedinformational 7 Informational information to berecordeddebugging 8 Information generated duringdebuggingInformation filtering by severity works this way: information with the severity valuegreater than the configured threshold is not output during the filtering.z If the threshold is set to 1, only information with the severity being emergencies willbe output;z If the threshold is set to 8, information of all severities will be output.III. Ten channels and six output directions of system informationThe system supports six information output directions, including the Console, Monitorterminal (monitor), logbuffer, loghost, trapbuffer and SNMP.The system supports ten channels. The channels 0 through 5 have their defaultchannel names and are associated with six output directions by default. Both thechannel names and the associations between the channels and output directions canbe changed through commands.Table 1-2 Information channels and output directionsInformation channelnumberDefault channelname Default output direction0 console Console (Receives log, trap anddebugging information.)1 monitorMonitor terminal (Receives log, trapand debugging information,facilitating remote maintenance.)2 loghostLog host (Receives log, trap anddebugging information andinformation will be stored in files forfuture retrieval.)