Operation Manual – HWPingH3C S3100-52P Ethernet Switch Chapter 1 HWPing Configuration1-8To do… Use the command… RemarksDisplay test resultsdisplay hwping results[ admin-nameoperation-tag ]RequiredYou can execute thecommand in any view.3) Configuring FTP test on HWPing clientFollow these steps to configure FTP test on HWPing client:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable the HWPing clientfunction hwping-agent enableRequiredBy default, the HWPingclient function is disabled.Create a HWPing testgroup and enter its viewhwpingadministrator-nameoperation-tagRequiredBy default, no test groupis configured.Configure the test type test-type ftpRequiredBy default, the test type isICMP.Configure the destinationIP address destination-ip ip-addressRequiredBy default, no destinationaddress is configured.Configure the source IPaddress source-ip ip-addressRequiredBy default, no source IPaddress is configured.Configure the source port source-port port-numberOptionalBy default, no source portis configured.Configure the number ofprobes per test count timesOptionalBy default, each testmakes one probe.Configure the maximumnumber of history recordsthat can be savedhistory-records numberOptionalBy default, the maximumnumber is 50.Configure the automatictest interval frequency intervalOptionalBy default, the automatictest interval is zeroseconds, indicating noautomatic test will bemade.