GB 08 00 MAOperation - liquid systemT102-0014AStandard filter size is 80 mesh. Filters of 50 and 100mesh are available and can be changed by opening thefilter top. Check condition of O-rings before reassemblyand replace if damaged.PulsaPulsaPulsaPulsaPulsation damper (iftion damper (iftion damper (iftion damper (iftion damper (if fffffitted)itted)itted)itted)itted)The air pressure in the pulsation damper A is factorypreset at 2 bar to cover spray working pressures be-tween 3 and 15 bar.When using spray pressures outside this range, the airpressure should be adjusted as shown in the diagram.The diagram is also embossed on the damper.TTTTTank drank drank drank drank drain vain vain vain vain valvalvalvalvalveeeeeHow to operHow to operHow to operHow to operHow to operaaaaatetetetetePull the string (B) to open the drain valve. The valve isspring-loaded, but can be kept open by pulling the stringout and upwards in the V-shaped slit (C). To release, pullthe string downward and the valve will close automati-cally.DrDrDrDrDraining a raining a raining a raining a raining a residueesidueesidueesidueesidueIf draining residues, e.g. liquid fertilizer into a reservoir, asnap-coupler (D) with hose can rapidly be connected tothe drain valve and the liquid safely drained.Spray Technique - see separate book.Optional eOptional eOptional eOptional eOptional extrxtrxtrxtrxtras - see seas - see seas - see seas - see seas - see separparparparparaaaaate bookte bookte bookte bookte booksssss.....T020-0021T020-0022T020-0023BCD