GB 14 02 02 MAMaintenanceCone cCone cCone cCone cCone chechechechecheck/rk/rk/rk/rk/reneeneeneeneenewwwwwal, EVal, EVal, EVal, EVal, EVC distribC distribC distribC distribC distributionutionutionutionutionvvvvvalvalvalvalvalveeeeePeriodically check the distribu-tion valves for proper sealing.Do this by running the sprayerwith clean water and open alldistribution valves.Cautiously remove the clip Aand pull out the hose B for thepressure equalisation device.When the housing is drained,there should be no liquid flowthrough the pressure equalisa-tion device. If there is anyleakage, the valve cone Emust be changed.Remove the clip C and lift themotor housing off the valvehousing. Then unscrew thescrew D and replace the valvecone E. Reassemble inreverse order.Cone cCone cCone cCone cCone chechechechecheck/rk/rk/rk/rk/reneeneeneeneenewwwwwal EVal EVal EVal EVal EVC operC operC operC operC operaaaaating unitting unitting unitting unitting unitIf it becomes difficult to build up sufficient pressure or ifpressure fluctuations occur, it may be necessary torenew cone and cylinder. A HARDI kit is available for thispurpose. Ref. no. 741293.1. Remove 4 x screws A and remove the housing.2. Remove 4 x screws B.3. Replace cylinder C and O-ring D.4. Loosen the nut E, remove and replacethe cone F.5. Reassemble in reverse order.T192-0039T192-0040AT090-0005Changing the ball seaChanging the ball seaChanging the ball seaChanging the ball seaChanging the ball seat in BK opert in BK opert in BK opert in BK opert in BK operaaaaating unitting unitting unitting unitting unitIf the main ON/OFF valve does not seal properly (drip-ping nozzles when main ON/OFF valve is closed), theball and seat should be checked.Remove the 2 bolts fixing the main ON/OFF-pressurevalve unit to the bracket, unscrew the union nut A andpull the valve away from the distribution valves.Check the ball for sharp edges and scratches, andcheck the ball seat for cracks and wear - replace ifnecessary.