GB 14 02 02 MAMaintenanceFFFFF4. WireThe wire function is to carry the boomwings. Adjustment of the wire should beundertaken with the boom unfoldedand the hydraulic rams F discon-nected from the boom wings.Tighten nut G so that the tip israised 12 cm for the 12 m boomand 15 cm for the 15 m boomfrom the horizontal line of thecentre section.5. Parallel adjustment of inner section1. Cautiously activate the hydraulic ramsF so they are fully extended. Makesure the extension H is screwedin and tight.2. Loosen counter nut Iand adjust the ram eye Jso that when connected,the boom wings areparallel with the centresection. The ram mustforce the boom tip downso distance “X” is equal.6. Adjustment for transport bracketsand air stream angleFold boom and lower cautiously intotransport brackets. Loosen coun-ter nut K and adjust L so theboom rests in the middle ofthe brackets.When the boom is lowered,it must be firmly hooked ontothe transport bracket M.Loosen counter nuts andadjust bolt N so that theboom hooks firmly into placewithout exerting excessiveforce on the boom wings.Unfold the boom. Loosencounter nut and screw bolt Oin fully. Set air stream toangle forward so the ram isfully extended. Now adjustbolt O up to the stop and turn furthermore ” a turn.X + 12/15 cm X cm7. Trapeze suspensionFor the trapeze to function itmust not be to tight. If it is toloose the boom will yaw(forward and back move-ment). This results in a poorspray distribution.Adjust tension P sothe boom is nottoo tight nor tooloose. Minoradjustment in thefield may benecessary.Check distance Q.The synthetic padsshould only just touch the centre beam. Relocate wash-ers on each of the 4 bolts R if the distance is excessive.IMPORTANT! Check all counter nuts are tight afteradjustment.Changing ofChanging ofChanging ofChanging ofChanging of vvvvvalvalvalvalvalves and diaes and diaes and diaes and diaes and diaphrphrphrphrphraaaaagmsgmsgmsgmsgmsAccess to the pump is best from the rear of the sprayer.A “S” shaped hook supplied with the sprayer is used tomechanically secure the boom from lowering whilstservicing the pump. Raise the boom with the hydraulicboom lift and use the hook as shown.X cm X cmWARNING!Always securethe boom beforeservicing thepump.NOTE! Forservicing model361 pump, it isbest to removethe lower anchorbolt of the lift ramand push the ramover to one side.