Installation, Set Up & Configuration11ENGLISHWhen connecting wires to the speakers,be certain to observe proper polarity.Remember to connect the “negative” or“black” wire to the same terminal on thereceiver and the speaker. Similary the“Red“ wire should be connected to thelike terminal on the AVR80 and speaker.NOTE: While most speakermanufacturers adhere to an industryconvention of using black terminals fornegative and red ones for positive, somemanufacturers may vary from thisconfiguration. To assure proper phase,and optimal performance, consult theidentification plate on your speaker, orthe speaker’s manual to verify polarity. Ifyou do not know the polarity of yourspeaker, ask your dealer for advice beforeproceeding, or consult the speaker’smanufacturer.6. Connections to a subwoofer are madevia a line level audio connection from thereceiver´s jack μ to the line level input ofa subwoofer with a built in amplifier. If apassive subwoofer is used, the connectionfirst goes to a power amplifier, which willbe connected to the subwoofer speakers.If Your system has two subwoofers, aswith many THX systems, connect the jackμ with a so called ‘Y’ cable to a Stereopower amplifier, powering bothsubwoofers.7. If an outboard multichannel digitalaudio adapter is used, connect the sixoutputs of the adapter to the 6 CH.Direct Input inputs ø.Video Input andOutput ConnectionsVideo connections are made in a similarfashion to those for audio components.Again, the use of high qualityinterconnect video cables isrecommended to preserve signal quality.1. Connect the VCR’s audio, video and“S” Video OUT jacks to the VCR IN jacksACFHJL on the rear panel. Theaudio, video and “S” video IN jacks onthe VCR should be connected to the VCROUT jacks BDEGIK on the AVR80.2. Connect the audio, video and “S” videooutputs of a satellite receiver, cable TVconverter, television set or anyAudio/Video source to the TV jacksMNO.3. Connect the audio, video and “S” videooutputs of a Laser Disc player to the LDjacks PQR. If your LD player has acoax digital output for 44.1kHz PCMaudio, you will obtain higher soundquality by connecting that output to theLD Digital In jack S.4. Connect the TV MON TU jacks onthe receiver to the video or “S” Videoinputs of your television monitor or videoprojector.5. There is no mix or change between‘Video’ (composite) and ‘S’ Video signalsinside the AVR 70 and no sytem selection.If watching to both signals systems, bothTV MON jacks T and U must beconnected to the TV Monitor. The OnScreen Menus are visible only on the‘Video’ Output, not on ‘S’ Video.System and Power ConnectionsThe AVR80 is designed for flexible usewith external control components andpower amplifiers. These connections areeasy to make during an initialinstallation, or at a later date should youchoose to upgrade your system.Remote Control ExpansionIf the receiver is placed behind a solid orsmoked glass cabinet door, theobstruction may prevent the remotesensor from receiving commands. In thisevent, an optional remote sensor may beused. Connect the output of the remotesensor to the Remote Cont. IN jack √.If other components are also preventedfrom receiving remote commands, onlyone sensor is needed. They may use thisunit’s sensor or a remote eye by runninga connection from the REMOTECONT. OUT jack ∑ to the Remote Injack on Harman Kardon or other JR-codecompatible equipment.AVR80 manual 11/01/98 13:01 Side 11