Basic Operation22ENGLISHA. To use the front panel buttons simplypress and hold TUNE ⁄ ^ buttonuntil the desired letter or numberappears. Note that the upper casealphabet will appear, followed by thenumbers 1 through 0, and then a –indicating a blank space. Tapping thebutton will advance the display onecharacter at a time; holding it down willmove the display quickly. If you pass bythe desired character, use the TUNE ¤^ to move the display in reverse.After entering the first character, pressMEMO Ú to move to the next positionand note that the next digit will blink.Use the same procedure outlined above toenter a character.When you have entered a digit or “blank”in all five spaces, press MEMO Ú formore than 1 second to confirm the entryB. To use the remote for character entry,press the button corresponding to thedesired letter or number. Press it once toenter the first printed letter, twice for thesecond, three times for the third and fourtimes for the number. Press the “9”button to enter a blank space. (Forexample, press the “ABC” button onceto enter an “A”, three times for a “C”and four times to enter a “1”.)Use the MEMO button o to move tothe next digit position. When all fivespaces have been filled, press MEMOagain for more than 1 second to confirmthe entry.Once a station name has been attached toa preset position, the station’s frequencywill appear briefly when the unit is tunedto that station. After a few seconds thepreset name will appear in the display.Tuning Preset StationsStations preset into the tuner’s memorymay be recalled in a number of ways.1. To recall a station directly enter anumber from 1 to 30 using the numberbuttons on the remote s m .a. To enter a single digit memorylocation, press 0 before the number,or enter the number and wait a fewseconds.b. If an invalid number (other than1–30) is entered in error, thatnumber will flash to alert you thatthe entry is invalid and the displaywill return to the previous frequencydisplay.2. To scan through the list of presetstations, press the P-SET⁄ or P-SET¤ on the front panel $ or theCHANNEL buttons ‡ · remote k.Press once to move up or down throughthe memory presets one by one, or pressand hold the button to quickly scanthrough the list of stations.3. To automatically review each stationin the memory, press the P-SCANbutton n %. Note that the P-SCANindicator › will blink.The tuner will move up through the listof stations, pausing to play each for fiveseconds. Note that preset numbers whereno station has been programmed will beskipped.When the desired station is reached pressP-SCAN % or CLEAR Û.Clearing Preset StationsOnce stations are programmed into thepreset memories, it is possible to removethem individually or as a group.To remove a single station from thememory:1. Recall the station by pressing thebuttons on the remote corresponding tothe station’s memory location.2. Press the MEMO button Ú or oand observe that the MEMO indicator £will blink.3. While the indicator is blinking, pressthe CLEAR button Û -not the CLEARbutton on the remote within five seconds.The word CLEAR will show briefly toconfirm that the memory position hasbeen cleared.To clear all memory locations, thevolume level and surround modememories:1. Press the MEMO button Ú o andthe CLEAR button Û m at the sametime for some seconds, until CLEARMEMO appears on the display.NOTE: When a complete memory clear isperformed the AVR80 will turn off as partof the process. After clearing the memoryit is necessary to reset all stations and setup parameters.AVR80 manual 11/01/98 13:01 Side 22