Use ASMI to display the error and event logs. See Displaying error and event logs in the IBM PowerSystems Hardware Information Center.C1xxyyyy service processor checkpoints:The C1xxyyyy progress codes, or checkpoints, offer information about the initialization of both theservice processor and the compute node. Service processor checkpoints are typical reference codes thatoccur during the initial program load (IPL) of the compute node.The C1xxyyyy progress codes below are the progress codes that might be displayed during the power-onself-test (POST), along with suggested actions to take if the system hangs on the progress code. Onlywhen you experience a hang condition should you take any of the actions described for a progress code.If the system hangs on a progress code, follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listeduntil the problem is solved. If an action solves the problem, you can stop performing the remainingactions. See Chapter 7, “Parts listing for IBM Flex System p260 and p460 Compute Nodes,” on page 97 todetermine which components are CRUs and which components are FRUs.C10010XXExplanation: Pre-standbyResponse:1. Search RETAIN tips and the firmware change history for the reference code to determine the recommendedactions. If a firmware update is needed, see Updating the firmware.2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the system-board and chassis assembly.C1001F00Explanation: Pre-standby: starting initial transition fileResponse:1. Search RETAIN tips and the firmware change history for the reference code to determine the recommendedactions. If a firmware update is needed, see Updating the firmware.2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the system-board and chassis assembly.C1001F0DExplanation: Pre-standby: discovery completed in initial transition fileWhile the blade server displays this checkpoint, the service processor is reading the server vital product data (VPD).The service processor must complete reading the server VPD before the server displays the next progress code.Response:1. Wait at least 15 minutes for this checkpoint to change before deciding that the server is hung.Reading the server VPD might take as long as 15 minutes on servers with maximum configurations or many diskdrives.2. Search RETAIN tips and the firmware change history for the reference code to determine the recommendedactions. If a firmware update is needed, see Updating the firmware.3. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the system-board and chassis assembly.C10010XX • C1001F0D234 Power Systems: IBM Flex System p260 and p460 Compute Nodes Installation and Service Guide