Chapter 6. Loading the System DiagnosticsThe system diagnostics can be booted either the default boot list or the customizedservice mode boot list. (The service mode boot list can be modified using the systemdiagnostics ″Display or Change Bootlist″ service aid. The service mode boot list cannotbe modified under the System Management Services.)Performing Slow BootTo fully analyze all of the available information, perform the following steps before doinga hardware repair or replacement, especially if the error is related to the CPU ormemory.1. Record the 8-character error code (and location code if present) displayed in theoperator panel, or that was reported by the customer.2. Do a slow-mode boot in service mode. This can be specified using the SystemPower Control Menu on the service processor main menu. (A fast-mode boot skipsmuch of the built-in diagnostic testing.) A slow-mode boot may yield a new8-character error code on the operator panel and new errors in the serviceprocessor error log. If a new error code is reported, use it in subsequent steps tocontinue problem analysis.Standalone DiagnosticsTo load standalone diagnostics from the default boot list, perform the followingprocedure:1. Verify with the system administrator and users that all programs may be stopped,then do so.2. Turn off the system.3. Wait 30 seconds, and turn on the system.4. Immediately insert the diagnostic CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.5. When or after the keyboard indicator appears during startup, press the F5 key on adirectly attached keyboard (or the number 5 key on an ASCII terminal).6. Enter any requested passwords.Online DiagnosticsOnline diagnostics can be loaded using the customized service mode boot list bypressing the F6 key (on a directly attached keyboard) or the number 6 key on an ASCIIterminal.The procedure for booting from the devices listed in the service mode boot list (OnlineDiagnostics) is as follows:1. Verify with the system administrator and users that all programs may be stopped,then do so.2. Turn off the system.147