Text-Based System Management ServicesThe text-based System Management Services are available if an ASCII terminal isattached to your system unit. The text-based System Management Services make itpossible for you to view information about your system unit and to perform such tasksas setting passwords and changing device configurations.To start the text-based System Management Services, press the number 1 key on theASCII terminal keyboard when the keyboard text symbol displays during startup andbefore the tone sounds. After the text-based System Management Services starts, thefollowing screen displays.Note: The version of firmware currently installed in your system unit is displayed at thetop of each screen in the text-based System Management Services. Note theversion number. Processor and other device upgrades may require a the specificversion of firmware to be installed in your system unit. Update System Firmwareis an option under the Utilities menu.System Management Services1 Display Configuration2 Multiboot3 Utilities4 Select Language.------.|X=Exit|`------’===>After you have finished using the text-based System Management Services, type x (forexit) to start the system unit. Typing x on all other screens will take you back to theprevious screen.Chapter 8. System Management Services 209