1-11IntroductionBrowsing the CDIf your installation process requires you to directly access files on theinstallation CD, you can save time by limiting your browsing to thefollowing files and folders, available at the root level:■ Autorun executable—In Windows, click on autorun.exe if yourcomputer does not automatically execute it when you insert theCD in the drive.■ Readme text file—Contains additional technical informationabout device compatibility, operating system support, and drivers.■ DOCS folder—Contains the user documentation PDF files.■ PACKAGES folder (and subfolders)—Contains themanagement software and device drivers.■ SOURCES folder (and subfolders)—Contains driver sourcefiles and other components developed under the GNU GeneralPublic License (GPL) agreement.Installing the Adobe Acrobat ReaderBoth Adobe Acrobat Reader and Viewer are provided on theinstallation CD. These applications allow you to view PDF files.Acrobat Reader is also available from Adobe as a free download atwww.adobe.com.How you use Reader or Viewer depends on your operating system,as described below:■ Windows—To install Acrobat Reader, choose the appropriateoption from the CD Autorun menu.■ Linux—Acrobat Reader is located on the installation CD atmount-point/packages/Linux/RedHat/apps/adobe. Use the full pathname to access this location. If the path gets truncated, you maynot see the correct location.■ UNIX—Use Acrobat Viewer because Reader is not available forall operating systems. Your system must have Java RuntimeEnvironment (JVE) 1.1.7B from April 11, 2000 or later (you candownload it from java.sun.com). The Viewer is located on theinstallation CD at mount-point/Acrobat_Reader.