B-12ACU for DOSChannel Definition Block Keywords – SCSI onlyThe channel definition block is optional. If used, it always beginswith the keyword Channel and ends with the keyword End. Thechannel definition block keywords are listed alphabetically in thefollowing table.Channel KeywordChannel is an optional keyword that begins a channel definitionblock and specifies the channel number to which the channelkeywords apply. Channels are numbered from zero to themaximum number of channels on the controller minus one.You can include multiple channel definition blocks within a script file,each beginning with a Channel keyword and value.ExampleChannel=0ControllerID KeywordConrollerID is an optional keyword to change the SCSI ID of thecontroller. Normally, the SCSI controller is assigned SCSI ID 7 oneach of its channels. You can specify any ID value between 0 and 7.Caution: Do not change the SCSI ID of the controller unlessdirected to do so by ICP Technical Support.ExampleControllerID=7End KeywordEnd is a required keyword, indicating the end of the block.ExampleEndKeyword DescriptionChannel Used to identify the channel.ControllerID Changes the SCSI ID of the controller.End Indicates the end of a channel definition block.!