B-3ACU for DOSRunning the ACU Using ScriptsTo use the ACU scripting features, use the ACU command, specify ascript file (see Creating the Script File Manually on page B-5), andspecify one (but not both) of the required switches listed in the tablebelow. You may also add one or both of the optional switches listedin the table.Note: Command line syntax is not case sensitive.Switch Type Description/P <file> Required Playback Mode—In this mode, the ACU readsthe contents of the specified script file and createsarrays and configures channel settings based onthe keywords defined in the script. For moredetails, see Playback Mode on page B-4.Note: The ACU exits with an error if you do notinclude either the /P or the /R switch (but not both)./R <file> Required Record Mode—The ACU writes a controller’sexisting array configuration to a specified scriptfile, enabling you to create the same configurationby running the ACU in playback mode (/Pswitch) with the resulting script. For more details,see Record Mode on page B-4.Note: The ACU exits with an error if you do notinclude either the /P or the /R switch (but not both)./L <file> Optional Optional Log Filename Switch—If you includethis switch, the ACU records its activity and anyerrors it encounters in the log file. If you do notinclude this switch, the ACU displays any statusand errors on the screen.The file is a standard MS-DOS file, which caninclude a drive, directory, filename, and extension.Only the filename and extension (.LOG) arerequired. If no drive or directory is specified, thefile is placed in the location of the ACU executable./C <number> Optional Optional Controller Number Switch—Insystems with more than one controller, this switchspecifies which controller to change, where<number> is the controller number. The defaultcontroller number is 0.Note: The number assigned to a particular controllerdepends on the controller’s physical PCI slot and theorder in which your system scans its PCI slots.