14 DAB-BA-e-1813The moisture analyser operates using heat!+ Maintain sufficient space in the environment of the instrument toprevent heat build-up (distance from the instrument 20cm,upwards 1m).+ The heat extractor of the sample must never be covered, blocked,taped up or altered in any other way.+ Never place combustible materials on, under or next to theinstrument, as the environment of the instrument heats up to ahigh temperature.+ Careful when removing the sample. The sample itself, the sampledish and the heating unit may be very hot.Fire or explosion+ Explosive, easily flammable samples and samples that go into achemical reaction when subjected to heat, may not be analysedwith the moisture analyser.+ If in doubt, conduct a risk analysis.+ Select a drying temperature for samples of this kind that is lowenough to prevent ignition or explosion.+ Wear safety goggles.Substances that contain toxic or corrosive ingredients,produce toxic gases when drying, cause irritation (eyes, skin,airways), induce nausea or result in death+ Sample materials emitting toxic substances must be dried with aspecial extraction system in place. Create an environment thatprevents the inhalation of vapours hazardous to health.Substances that liberate corrosive gases when heated up (such asacids)+ In that case, work with smaller sample amounts as the liberatedgases may condense on cooler casing parts and later causecorrosion.