(§) CH4 T POSITION ControlAdjusts vertical position of channel-4 waveform dis-played on the C R T . Also used to adjust the Y - a x i s posi-tion in the X - Y operation.© CH4 0.5 V/0.1 V SwitchVertical attenuator of channel 4 . Provides the same func-tion as the C H S 0 . 5 V / 0 . 1 V s w i t c h @ for channel 4 .@ C U R S O R S SwitchesSelects the cursor measurement modes.If four L E D s are off, the cursor measurement mode isdeactivated; the cursor, cursor measurement mode, andcursor measurement value are not displayed on the C R T .T o deactivate the cursor measurement mode, press alighting s w i t c h .N O T E : The cursor measurement is impossible for someitems, depending on combination of the V E R T I C A LMODE © and HORIZONTAL MODE (§) switches.For details, refer to operating instructions.AV\: Activates zlV1 and A\/3 cursor measurement. Cur-sor measurement is activated w h e n any of C H 1 ,C H S , and A D D of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s@ is selected. Order of measurement priority ofthese three channels is C H 1 , C H 3 , and A D D . T w ohorizontal cursors are displayed on the C R T . Vol-tage difference and voltage ratio of these cursorsare displayed posterior to the cursor measurementmode in the upper right of the C R T .T h e AV\ cursor is used for voltage differencemeasurement, if the C H 1 V A R I A B L E control @ isset to the C A L position. A value calculated accord-ing to setting of the C H 1 V O L T S / D I V control ® isdisplayed posterior to the / I V 1 .Voltage ratio is measured if the C H 1 V A R I A B L Econtrol @ is not set to the C A L position; a valuecalculated supposing 5 div. as 1 0 0 % is displayedposterior to the R A T I O .In the 4 V 3 cursor measurement, a value calculat-ed according to setting of the C H S 0 . 5 V / 0 . 1 V isdisplayed posterior to the A\/3.If the A D D of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s <§>is selected, voltage difference (ziV1) is measuredunder the condition where the C H 1 V O L T S / D I Vcontrol © and C H 2 V O L T S / D I V control © are setto the same level as well as the V A R I A B L E control© and © are set to C A L . Otherwise, voltage ratio(RATIO) is measured.If the zicursor is below the z l R E F cursor, a nega-tive ( - ) value is displayed.AV2: Activates A\/2 and AV4 cursor measurement whenC H 2 or C H 4 of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s <§)is selected. Order of measurement priority of theset w o channels is C H 2 and C H 4 . T w o horizontal cur-sors are displayed on the C R T . Voltage differenceand voltage ratio of these cursors are displayedposterior to the cursor measurement mode in theupper right of the C R T .T h e z l V 2 cursor is used for voltage differencemeasurement, if the C H 2 V A R I A B L E control @ isset to C A L position. A value calculated accordingto setting of the C H 2 V O L T S / D I V control © is dis-played posterior to the AV2.Voltage ratio is measured if the C H 2 V A R I A B L Econtrol @ is not set to the C A L position; a valuecalculated supposing 5 div. as 1 0 0 % is displayedposterior to the R A T I O .In the A\/4 cursor measurement, a value calculat-ed according to setting of the C H 4 0 . 5 V / 0 . 1 Vs w i t c h is displayed posterior to the z3V4.If the zlcursor is below the ^ R E F cursor, a nega-tive ( - ) value is displayed.12Fig. 3