Kenwood CS-6040 Instruction Manual
3. ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRED SIGNAL COM-PONENTSThe A D D mode eliminates undesired signal components anddisplays necessary components only. (See Fig. 30.)1) Apply the signal containing an undesired component tothe CH1 input connector and the undesired componentitself to the C H 2 input connector.2) Select C H O P of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s and setthe A S O U R C E s w i t c h to C H 2 . Make sure that channel2 represents the envelop of the undesired signal in thereverse polarity. If necessary, reverse the polarity byselecting C H 2 INV.3) Select A D D of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s and setthe A S O U R C E s w i t c h to C H 1 . Adjust the C H 2V O L T S / D I V and V A R I A B L E controls so that undesiredsignal component is minimized. Necessary componentsto be observed remain displayed on the C R T .S i g n a l c o n t a i n i n g u n d e s i r e d c o m p o n e n t( D o t t e d l i n e s i n d i c a t e e n v e l o p o f u n d e s i r e d c o m p o n e n t )Necessary s i g n a l f r e e o f u n n e c e s s a r y c o m p o n e n t4 R E F .c u r s o r5. TIME MEASUREMENT(1) Normal ProceduresT h e following describes normal procedures for measuringtime between t w o points on a w a v e f o r m . Calculation isbased on the S W E E P T I M E / D I V setting and the horizontaldistance between the t w o points.1) Apply the signal to be measured to the INPUT connec-tor. Select the channel to be used with the V E R T I C A LM O D E , set the A C / D C to D C , deactivate the GNDs w i t c h , and adjust controls for normal s w e e p display.T h e n , adjust the V O L T S / D I V and S W E E P T I M E / D I V toobtain proper waveform display. Set the V A R I A B L E ofeach channel and S W E E P T I M E to the C A L condition.2) Align one of the points to a vertical graduation line withthe •< • POSITION control. T h e n , align another pointto the center horizontal graduation line with the $ PO-SITION control.3) Measure the horizontal distance between these t w opoints. Multiply this distance by setting of the S W E E PT I M E / D I V control.Time = Horizontal distance (div)x S W E E P T I M E / D I V setting324. CURSOR MEASUREMENT OF VOLTAGERATIOT h e following describes measurement of overshoot ofsquare w a v e s , etc.1) Apply the signal to be measured to the INPUT connec-tor. Select the channel to be used with the V E R T I C A LM O D E , set the A C - D C to D C , deactivate the GNDs w i t c h , and adjust controls for normal s w e e p display.T h e n , adjust the V O L T S / D I V and S W E E P T I M E / D I V toobtain proper waveform display.2) Use the vertical axis V A R I A B L E control and the • PO-SITION control, if n e c e s s a r y , to adjust amplitude to 5divisions (i.e., 0 % and 1 0 0 % graduations) on the C R T .NOTE: Voltage ratio can be measured if the vertical axisV A R I A B L E control is not set to the C A L position.3) Select a desired cursor mode AV\ or A\/2 according toa channel to be used.NOTE: Voltage ratio cursor measurement is impossibleif C H 3 or C H 4 is selected.4) Align the z l R E F cursor to the 1 0 0 % graduation.5 ) Align the zicursor to an overshoot point to be measured.6) Voltage ratio of the overshoot supposing 5 divisions as1 0 0 % is displayed in percentage following RATIO in theupper right of the C R T .Fig. 3 1U n d e s i r e d s i g n a l c o m p o n e n tFig. 30 |
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