Kenwood CS-6040 Instruction Manual
b) In case A INT B, A L T , or X - Y of the H O R I Z O N T A LMODE s w i t c h e s is selectedThe AT and 11 AT cursor measurement modes are im-possible. T h e LED lights up for approx. 1 second bya press of the s w i t c h , and then goes out to indicatethat pressing the s w i t c h is invalid.c) In case B of HORIZONTAL MODE switches is selectedThe AT and MAT cursor measurement modes arepossible. Pressing the s w i t c h turns on the LED to in-dicate that the mode has been selected and displaysthe cursor measurement mode on the C R T . Deac-tivating the cursor measurement mode displaysD E L A Y T I M E or T R I G C O U N T again.[7] TV COUNTScanning can be begun from the desired line of any fieldof a video signal.a) Set H-MODE (§) to " A " and set A - C O U P L I N G to" T V - F R A M E " .b) Input the video signal to be observed, and s y n -chronize by matching S L O P E to the input signal.c) " If the T V - C O U N T s w i t c h is now pressed, " F L D 1 ,1 H / 5 2 5 " will be displayed in the upper right portionof the monitor.Figure 2 4 s h o w s an example of the setup for F I E L D 1with 4 0 lines.d) After setting up the conditions, rotate the D E L A YPOSITION (§) knob to select the line number of theline to be observed.e) Pressing the F L D 1 / F L D 2 button s w i t c h e s back andforth between Field 1 and Field 2 of the video signal.f) Press the SINGLE switch and FIX switch simultane-ously to switch between the N T S C and P A L formats.The formats are selected in alternation each time thebuttons are pressed. The interlace signal and non-interlace signals are detected automatically, and theLINE NUMBER display is changed accordingly.Interlace signal Non-interlace signalN T S C F L D 1 1 H / 5 2 5 - 1 H / 5 2 5 -2 6 3 H / 5 2 5 2 6 2 H / 5 2 5F L D 2 1 H / 5 2 5 - 1 H / 5 2 5 -2 6 2 H / 5 2 5 2 6 2 H / 5 2 5P A L F L D 1 1 H / 6 2 5 - 1 H / 6 2 5 -3 1 3 H / 6 2 5 3 1 2 H / 6 2 5F L D 2 3 1 4 H / 6 2 5 - 3 1 4 H / 6 2 5 -6 2 5 H / 6 2 5 6 2 4 H / 6 2 5When the last line of a given field is reached, themachine returns to the first line of that field.N O T E : Measurable range of the T R I G C O U N T is from 1to 1 0 0 0 counts. If a count value larger than thenumber of pulses of the A s w e e p signal is set,the B s w e e p is not displayed. Therefore, set acount value smaller than the number of pulses ofthe A s w e e p signal.[8] PROGRAMMING1 . Program WRITET h e panel settings at any given moment can beprogrammed into memory.a) Pressing A\f\ and AW2 simultaneously puts themachine into the Program W R I T E mode. In the Pro-gram W R I T E mode, the clock display on the moni-tor goes off and is replaced by the " S T E P - W 1 R U N "display (in a situation where the clock display is notalready lit, the " S T E P - W 1 R U N " display will lightin the c l o c k ' s position). At the same time, the panelconditions are set up according to the data storedin S T E P 1 .b) When the panel conditions are reset and the P R O GS T E P switch is pressed, the new conditions are writ-ten to memory and, at the same time, the S T E PNUMBER is advanced one count.c) Pressing the AT • 11AT and T R A C K s w i t c h e s simul-taneously while in the Program W R I T E mode resultsin the S K I P mode: no data is written to the nextS T E P , and the display changes to " S T E P - W 1 S K I P " .If the AT • MAT and T R A C K s w i t c h e s are pressedsimultaneously again, the RUN mode is restored andpanel conditions can once again be written tomemory. If the P R O G S T E P s w i t c h is held downcontinuously for longer than 0 . 5 s e c , the machinewill begin operating repeatedly in the S K I P mode, andthe S T E P NUMBER will advance continuously.d) T h e Program W R I T E mode is terminated by onceagain pressing the A\/1 and AV2 switches simultane-ously. T h e " S T E P - W 1 R U N " display goes off, theclock display reappears, and the machine returns tothe normal operating mode.2. Program READOUTIn this mode, data programmed into memory in the Pro-gram W R I T E mode is executed.a) If the AT • MAT s w i t c h and T R A C K s w i t c h arepressed simultaneously, the machine enters the Pro-gram R E A D O U T mode. In the Program R E A D O U Tmode, the clock display on the monitor disappearsand is replaced by the " S T E P - R 1 " display (in a sit-uation where the clock display is not already lit, the" S T E P - W 1 R U N " display will light in the clock's po-sition). A t the same time, the data stored in Step 1is read out, and the panel conditions are set up a c -cording to the stored data.b) When the PROG S T E P s w i t c h is pressed, the S T E PNUMBER displayed on the monitor advances 1 step,and the panel conditions are set up according to thedata stored in the next step. Steps that were set to" S K I P " in the Program W R I T E mode will be passedover, the counter will advance to the next available28Fig 24 |
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