Kenwood CS-6040 Instruction Manual
© A TRIGGERING S O U R C E (A SOURCE) Selector Switchand LEDsSelects a trigger source of A s w e e p . Every press of the• s w i t c h advances a selected LED from left to right insequence. Next to LINE, V E R T is selected. (A selectedLED advances at the interval of approx. 0 . 5 second bykeeping pressing the s w i t c h . )N O T E : If V E R T is selected, any LED of CH1 to C H 4 alsolights up (depending on setting of the V E R T I C A LMODE s w i t c h e s © ) .V E R T : Trigger source of A s w e e p is selected with theV E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s © . It is selected inthe following order of priority, if more than oneof the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s is selected.C H 1 C H 2 C H 3 - C H 4 - A D D (CH1)N O T E : If A D D of the V E R T I C A L MODE switches© is selected in the single trace mode,C H 1 is displayed as A S O U R C E .CH 1 : A s w e e p is triggered by channel-1 vertical axisinput signal.C H 2 : A s w e e p is triggered by channel-2 vertical axisinput signal.C H 3 : A s w e e p is triggered by channel-3 vertical axisinput signal.C H 4 : A s w e e p is triggered by channel-4 vertical axisinput signal.LINE: Triggered by commercial frequency.A COUPLING (§) switch is fixed to A C . If anothertrigger source is selected, previous condition isrestored.N O T E : If A C O U P L I N G (§) s w i t c h is set to T VF R A M E or T V LINE, LINE of the AS O U R C E s w i t c h cannot be selected.© HOLD OFF ControlAdjusts the interval between s w e e p operations. Clock-w i s e rotation from the NORM position, i.e., full coun-terclockwise position, increases the hold-off time. Fullclockwise rotation provides variation more than fivetimes.© T R A C E SEP(aration) ControlCounterclockwise rotation moves down the B s w e e ptrace line by approx. 4 div. with respect to the A sweeptrace line. T h i s control functions w h e n A L T or B of theH O R I Z O N T A L M O D E s w i t c h e s ® is selected.(38) A TRIGGERING COUPLING (A COUPLING) SelectorSwitch and LEDsS w i t c h S e l e c t s coupling types of the A s w e e p triggersignal. Every press of the • s w i t c h advances a select-ed LED from left to right in sequence. Next to T V LINE,A C is selected. (A selected LED advances at the inter-val of approx. 0 . 5 second by keeping pressing theswitch.)A C : The A s w e e p trigger signal is applied to thetrigger circuit by A C coupling. DC compo-nent is eliminated.N O I S E R E J : T h e A s w e e p trigger signal with reducedtrigger sensitivity is applied to the triggercircuit.Therefore, trigger signal with noises mixedcan c a u s e triggering stably.H F R E J : The A sweep trigger signal is applied to thetrigger circuit via a low-pass filter. Sincehigh-frequency components are attenuat-ed, low-frequency signals can be triggeredstably.D C : The A sweep trigger signal is applied to thetrigger circuit by DC coupling, enablingtriggering including DC component.T V F R A M E : Triggered by the vertical synchronizing sig-nal of the video signals.T V L I N E : Triggered by the horizontal synchronizingsignal of the video signals.© TV COUNT SwitchGoes into operation w h e n the A s w e e p T R I G G E R I N GCOUPLING is selected. When the switch is pressed, theLED lights up and " F L D 1 , 1 H / 5 2 5 " is displayed in theupper right portion of the monitor (this display can bepreset to give different values as well). T h e line num-ber is set by rotating Z i R E F / D E L A Y P O S I T I O N knob. Ifvideo signals are input, A S W E E P begins from the presetline. If the s w i t c h is pressed again, the LED goes offand the T V C O U N T mode is canceled.© A TRIGGERING L E V E L (A LEVEL) ControlTrigger level control of A s w e e p . S e t s a s w e e p startpoint on a slope of the trigger signal w a v e f o r m .Trigger level adjustment is unnecessary if the AC O U P L I N G © s w i t c h is set to T V F R A M E or T V LINE,or T R I G G E R I N G MODE © s w i t c h e s is set to F I X .© A TRIGGERING S L O P E (A SLOPE) SwitchSelects triggering polarity of the A s w e e p . Pressing thes w i t c h turns on the LED and selects triggering at thetrailing edge of input w a v e f o r m . Another press of thes w i t c h turns off the L E D and selects triggering at theleading edge of input w a v e f o r m .© TRIG COUNT SwitchFunctions in the delayed s w e e p mode (A INT B, A L T ,or B of the H O R I Z O N T A L MODE s w i t c h © is selected).Pressing the s w i t c h turns on the L E D and displaysCOUNT as well as a count value posterior to the COUNTin the upper right of the C R T . This count value is setwith the D E L A Y P O S I T I O N control © within the rangefrom 1 to 2 0 0 0 . C l o c k w i s e rotation of the control in-creases the value. Number of pulses of a channel select-ed with the B S O U R C E s w i t c h © is counted from thepoint w h e n the A s w e e p starts. W h e n the number ofpulses reaches the preset value, the B s w e e p starts.Another press of the s w i t c h turns off the LED and re-stores the triggered delay mode.© B TRIGGERING COUPLING (B COUPLING) SelectorSwitch and LEDsSelects coupling types of the B s w e e p trigger signal.Every press of the • s w i t c h advances a selected LEDfrom left to right in sequence. Next to D C , A C is select-ed. Fixed, however, to T V LINE if T V F R A M E or T V LINEof the A C O U P L I N G s w i t c h © is selected. (A selectedLED a d v a n c e s at the interval of approx. 0 . 5 second bykeeping pressing the switch.)Selection of the B COUPLING switch possible only whenthe A INT B, A L T , or B of the H O R I Z O N T A L MODEs w i t c h e s © is selected. In such a c a s e , the previouscondition is displayed on the L E D .If the A or X - Y of the H O R I Z O N T A L MODE s w i t c h e sis selected, LED goes out and selection is disabled.15 |
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