C o u n t n u m b e r of c y c l e s in t h i s r a n g e(2) Cursor Measurement Procedures1 ) Apply the signal to the input connector. Select the chan-nel to be used with the V E R T I C A L M O D E , and adjusteach control for the normal s w e e p display. Adjust theV O L T S / D I V and S W E E P T I M E / D I V to obtain properwaveform display. Set the V A R I A B L E used channel andS W E E P T I M E to C A L condition.2) Select the MAT cursor mode with the C U R S O R S .3) Adjust the AREF cursor to the left of the points to bemeasured and the ^ c u r s o r to the right.4) Measured value is displayed following 11AT in the up-per right of the C R T .Fig. 4712. RELATIVE MEASUREMENTIf the frequency and amplitude of the reference signal arek n o w n , voltage and frequency of an unknown signal canbe measured without use of the V O L T S / D I V and S W E E PTIME / D I V controls. This measurement uses the relative unitdetermined by the reference signal for measurement of anunknown signal.* Vertical SensitivitySetting of the relative vertical sensitivity using a referencesignal amplitude1 ) Apply the reference signal to the input connector. A d -just each control for normal s w e e p display. Adjust theV O L T S / D I V and V A R I A B L E controls accurately so thatthe signal amplitude coincides with a f e w divisions ofthe graduation line.Do not change V A R I A B L E setting after the above ad-justment.2) Divide the voltage amplitude of the reference signal bythe product of the vertical amplitude (div) andV O L T S / D I V setting given in item 1) above.Vertical coefficientReference signal voltage (V)Vertical amplitude (div) x V O L T S / D I V setting3) Discontinue applying the reference signal and apply theunknown signal to the input connector. Adjust theV O L T S / D I V to obtain proper w a v e f o r m observation.Measure the waveform amplitude, and calculate the vol-tage of the unknown signal using the followingequation:Voltage of unknown signal =Vertical distance (div) x vertical coefficientx V O L T S / D I V settingU n k n o w n s i g n a l3 divFig. 4 838Fig. 46R e f e r e n c es i g n a l A d j u s t e d r e f e r e n c e s i g n a lM e a s u r e d v a l u eR E F c u r s o rc u r s o r