Kenwood CS-6040 Instruction Manual
17. PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENT USINGDELAYED SWEEPHigh-accuracy pulse width can be measured in the samemanner as the time measurement.1) Apply the pulse signal to the input connector. Selectthe channel to be used with the V E R T I C A L MODE.2) Adjust each control for normal s w e e p display. Adjustthe V O L T S / D I V , V A R I A B L E , and * POSITION so thatthe pulse w a v e f o r m can be easily observed and thecenter horizontal graduation line is in the center of am-plitude of the pulse. Set the A S W E E P T I M E to C A L .3) Rotate the A S W E E P T I M E / D I V to display the part tobe measured. Select A INT B of the H O R I Z O N T A LMODE s w i t c h e s , and set the B S O U R C E s w i t c h toA F T . D . Adjust the B S W E E P T I M E / D I V to minimize theintensity-modulation part.4) Adjust the D E L A Y P O S I T I O N so that the intensity-modulation part is in contact with the center horizon-tal graduation line. Make a record of a measurementdisplayed following D E L A Y in the upper right of theC R T .5) Adjust the D E L A Y POSITION so that the trailing edgeof the pulse is intensity-modulated in contact with thecenter horizontal graduation line. Determine the pulsewidth by subtracting the first measurement from thesecond measurement.Pulse width =2nd measurement - 1st measurement1 s t s e t t i n g - 2 n ds e t t i n g[ E X A M P L E ]Supposing the measured period is 4 0 . 2 0 /xs in the ex-ample s h o w n in Fig. 5 8 ,Frequency = - = 2 4 . 8 8 kHz4 0 . 2 0 x 10~61 s t s e t t i n g• 1 s t m e a s u r e m e n t' 2 n d m e a s u r e m e n t2 n d s e t t i n g[ E X A M P L E ]In the example s h o w n in Fig. 5 7 , if the first measure-ment is 0 . 9 3 2 (is, the second measurement is1 1 . 1 4 4 /is, and A S W E E P T I M E / D I V setting is 2 /is.Pulse width = 1 1 . 1 4 4 - 0 . 9 3 2 = 1 0 . 2 1 2 /xs18. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT USINGDELAYED S W E E PSince frequency is a reciprocal of a period, it can be deter-mined by measuring time of one c y c l e .1) Measure the period in the time measurement proceduresusing the delayed s w e e p mentioned above.2) Calculate a reciprocal of the measured period to deter-mine frequency a s follows:Frequency =Period19. PULSE REPETITION TIME MEASUREMENTT h e pulse repetition time can be measured accurately us-ing the delayed s w e e p operation.1) Apply the signal to the input connector. Select the chan-nel to be used with the V E R T I C A L M O D E .Adjust each control for normal s w e e p display. Adjustthe V O L T S / D I V control to obtain proper waveformdisplay.2) Rotate the A S W E E P TIME/DIV to display more than twocycles of w a v e f o r m .Select A INT B of the H O R I Z O N T A L M O D E s w i t c h e s ,and set the B T R I G G E R I N G S O U R C E s w i t c h to A F T . D .Set the B S W E E P T I M E / D I V to as fast value as possible.3) Adjust the D E L A Y P O S I T I O N so that the intensity-modulation part coincides with the first pulse.Select A L T of the H O R I Z O N T A L MODE s w i t c h e s , andadjust the B sweep trace to an easy-to-see position withthe T R A C E S E P control.4) Adjust the pulse to a proper vertical graduation line withthe D E L A Y P O S I T I O N , and make a record of the meas-urement displayed following D E L A Y in the upper rightof the C R T .5) Adjust the second pulse to the same vertical gradua-tion line as in the above item with the D E L A Y POSITION.The pulse repetition time can be determined by subtract-ing the first measurement from the second meas-urement.Repetition time =2nd measurement - 1 st measurement43Fig. 58Fig. 57 |
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