SPECIFICATIONSC S - 6 0 4 0 C S - 6 0 3 0C R T 1 5 0 mm rectangular with internal graticuleAcceleration Voltage 2 0 k V 17 k VDisplay Area 8 x 10 div (1 div = 10 mm)V E R T I C A L A X I S (CH1 and C H 2 )Sensitivity 5 mV/div to 5 V/div ± 2 % ( 1 0 °C to 3 5 °C)1 mV/div to 2 V/div ± 4 % (10 °C to 3 5 °C)Attenuator 12 s t e p s , 1 mV/div to 5 V/div in 1-2-5 sequenceVernier control for fully adjustable sensitivity between stepsInput Impedance 1 M0 ± 1 % , 2 0 pF ± 3 pFFrequency Response5 mV/div to 5 V/div D C ; DC to 1 5 0 MHz, within - 3 dBA C ; 5 Hz to 1 5 0 MHz, within - 3 dBD C ; DC to 1 0 0 MHz, within - 3 dBA C ; 5 Hz to 1 0 0 MHz, within - 3 dB1 mV/div, 2 mV/div D C ; DC to 2 0 MHz, within - 3 dBA C ; 5 Hz to 2 0 MHz, within - 3 dBRise Time 2 . 3 nsec or less (5 mV/div to 5 V/div)1 7 . 5 nsec or less (1 mV/div, 2 mV/div)3 . 5 nsec or less (5 mV/div to 5 V/div)1 7 . 5 nsec or less (1 mV/div, 2 mV/div)Signal Delay Time More than 10 nsec on the C R T screenCrosstalk - 4 0 dB or less (at 1 kHz)Operating Modes C H 1 CH1 single trace display, and dual to quad trace display in combination with other channel (s)Operating ModesC H 2 C H 2 single trace display, and dual to quad trace display in combination with other channel (s)Operating ModesC H 3 C H 3 single trace display, and dual to quad trace display in combination with other channel (s)Operating ModesC H 4 C H 4 single trace display, and dual to quad trace display in combination with other channel (s)Operating ModesADD CH1 + ( ± C H 2 ) added display, and dual to quad trace display in combination with otherchannel (s)Operating ModesA L T Dual to quad trace alternatingOperating ModesCHOP Dual to quad trace choppedChannel Polarity Normal or inverted, channel 2 only invertedBandwidth Limiting Approx. 2 0 MHzChop Frequency Approx. 5 0 0 kHzDelay Time Difference CH1 to C H 2 ; 0.5 nsec or lessC H 1 , C H 2 to C H 3 , C H 4 ; 1 nsec or lessNon-distorted MaximumAmplitude More than 8 div (DC to 150 MHz) More than 8 div (DC to 100 MHz)^ Maximum Input Voltage 8 0 0 Vp-p or 4 0 0 V (DC + A C peak)V E R T I C A L A X I S (CH3 and CH4)Sensitivity 0.1 V/div, 0.5 V/div, ± 2 % (10 °C to 3 5 °C)Input Impedance 1 Mfi ± 1 % , 2 0 pF ± 3 pFCoupling Method DC couplingFrequency Response DC to 150 MHz, within - 3 dB DC to 100 MHz, within - 3 dBRise Time 2.3 nsec or less (at 1 50 MHz) 3.5 nsec or less (at 100 MHz)A Maximum Input Voltage 8 0 0 Vp-p or 4 0 0 V (DC + A C peak)H O R I Z O N T A L A X I S (Input thru CH2)Operating Modes With HORIZ. MODE switch, X - Y operation is selectableCH1 to C H 4 and ADD ; Y axisCH2 ; X axisSensitivity Same as vertical axis (CH2)Input Impedance Same as vertical axis (CH2)FrequencyResponseDC DC to 2 MHz, within - 3 dBFrequencyResponse A C 5 Hz to 2 MHz, within - 3 dBX - Y Phase Difference 3 ° or less at 100 kHzMaximum Input Voltage Same as vertical axis (CH2)4