Kenwood CS-6040 Instruction Manual
b) NORMALThe normal s w e e p mode allows the trigger pointto be set with the L E V E L and S L O P E , like the A U T Os w e e p mode. It is used to observe input signals offrequency lower than 5 0 Hz as well as signals withlow repetition frequency.N O T E : If no trigger signal is supplied or the triggerpoint e x c e e d s the trigger range in the nor-mal s w e e p mode, sweep operation discon-tinues and no trace line is displayed.c ) S I N G L ET h e single mode is used for photography of non-cyclic w a v e f o r m by sweeping it once.Select A U T O or NORM of the T R I G MODE switches© , input a signal with approx. the same amplitudeand frequency a s the signal to be displayed as thetrigger signal, and set the trigger level.Press the S I N G L E of the T R I G MODE s w i t c h e s © .Once S I N G L E is selected, the readout values andscale illumination disappear. Pressing the S I N G L Eturns on the R E A D Y L E D , which indicates the in-strument is ready for the trigger signal. T h i s LEDgoes out on completion of A sweep. After confirm-ing the above, apply the signal to be observed andpress the S I N G L E to make the instument ready forthe trigger signal. S w e e p operation is executedonce w h e n the trigger signal is applied, and thenthe R E A D Y LED goes out. A t this time, the readoutvalues are displayed and the scale illuminationlights up instantaneously.N O T E : If several channels are selected with theV E R T I C A L MODE switches © , they cannotbe observed in the A L T mode. Set theC H O P / A L T s w i t c h to CHOP in such a c a s e .(2) S O U R C ETrigger signal to be used is selected with the A S O U R C Es w i t c h e s (§). If the A S O U R C E s w i t c h is set to V E R T ,triggering is made by a signal of a lower channel num-ber selected with the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s © .If any of C H 1 to C H 4 of the A S O U R C E is selected, trig-gering is made by the signal of the selected channel,regardless of setting of the V E R T I C A L MODE s w i t c h e s©.If the A S O U R C E s w i t c h is set to LINE, triggering ismade by the commercial frequency.1 3 1 COUPLE SwitchThe A C O U P L I N G s w i t c h e s (§) is used to select couplingmethods of the trigger signal.a) A CS e l e c t s A C (capacitive) coupling. D C componentin the trigger signal is eliminated, and triggering isdone by A C signals. T h i s coupling is convenientlyused for ordinary measurement since it providesstable triggering independent of D C component.However, if frequency of the trigger signal is low-er than 2 0 Hz, trigger signal level is reduced, caus-ing difficulty in triggering.b) N O I S E R E JTrigger signal with reduced trigger sensitivity issupplied to the trigger circuit. For trigger signalswith noises, this mode provides stable triggering.c) H F R E JTrigger signal is supplied to the trigger circuit viaa low- pass filter to cut off high-frequency compo-nents (higher than 3 0 kHz). T h u s , triggering is doneby low-frequency components only. This mode pro-vides stable triggering for trigger signals with over-lapped high-frequency noises as s h o w n in Fig. 9 .W a v e f o r m w i t h o v e r l a p p e d h i g h - f r e q u e n c y n o i s e sd) DCTrigger signal and trigger circuit are coupled direct-ly, enabling triggering from direct current. Thismode is suitable for triggering of low-frequency sig-nals lower than 2 0 Hz or ramp waveform with slowrepetition or change like the direct current.e) T V F R A M E , T V LINET o observe the video signals, setting the AC O U P L I N G (§) to T V F R A M E c a u s e s the verticalsynchronizing signal to trigger, and setting to T VLINE c a u s e s the horizontal synchronizing signal totrigger. T h e s e triggering operations are stable,regardless of setting of the A L E V E L © . If polarityof the synchronizing pulses is negative, set the AS L O P E © to negative ( - ) . If it is positive, set theA S L O P E © to positive ( + ).If A INT B , A L T , or B of the H O R I Z O N T A L MODEs w i t c h e s (§) is selected, the B C O U P L I N G @ is au-tomatically set to T V LINE.Besides, the B S L O P E is set to the same state asthe A S L O P E .Set the S L O P E as follows:S L O P E+ S L O P EFig. 1022T r i g g e r s i g n a l in H F R E J m o d eFig. 9 |
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