7 DMR DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS / 7.5 Continuing Transmission for a Certain Length of Time After VariousTransmissions End113FUNC (E)/ Ver 2.007.5 Continuing Transmission for a Certain Length of Time After Various TransmissionsEndThe following functions continue transmission for a certain length of time after various communications in the DMRformat end:• Call Hangtime• Data Hangtime• Channel Hangtime (Mixed Channel)• Channel Hangtime (DMR Channel)Call HangtimeCall Hangtime is the function that is used to retain a channel for a certain length of time after the repeater endstransmission of an audio signal.The repeater starts repeat transmission after a subscriber unit transmits an audio signal. The repeater retains achannel and continues repeat transmission for the length of time configured in Call Hangtime after the repeater endstransmission of an audio signal.Table 7-5 Configuration of Call HangtimeConfiguration DescriptionCall Hangtime The length of time for which a channel is retained after the repeater endstransmission of an audio signal is configured.Call Hangtime Enable/Disable Call Hangtime can be toggled between enabled and disabled by using CallHangtime Enable/Disable in the Remote Control function of the Web Tool.Note・ While the Call Hangtime is counting down, the repeater does not start repeat transmission even if the repeater receives ananalog signal on a channel with “Mixed” configured in Channel Type.・ Call Hangtime is enabled only for the transmission of a DMR digital signal. If “Mixed” is configured in Channel Type, a testtone is activated when the factor for transmission by the repeater is repeating a DMR digital signal.・ If “TA Direct” is configured in Operation Mode, Call Hangtime is not activated.・ This function works during transmission by Repeat PTT/ Network PTT/ Console PTT/ External PTT/ Test PTT. Also, thebehavior occurs during Group Call transmission by SIP PTT as well.Configuration using KPG-D7・ Configuring Call Hangtime ( Edit > Optional Features > Common Page 1 > Repeater/ External/ Network/ ConsolePTT > Call Hangtime)Configuration using Web Tool・ Configuring Call Hangtime Enable/Disable ( Maintenance > Remote Control > Call Hangtime > Enable/Disable)