12 CONVENTIONAL IP NETWORK / 12.2 Site Roaming157FUNC (E)/ Ver 2.00Display Section NameThe behavior status is displayed in Beacon Operating Status.When the connection to the Primary Host Repeater or Secondary Host Repeater is established・ “Member” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of WEB Tool > Home.・ “Beacon Member” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of OLED > Network Information.When no connection to the Primary Host Repeater and the Secondary Host Repeater isestablished・ “Local” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of WEB Tool > Home.・ “Beacon Local” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of OLED > Network Information.Deselected (Suspended) In a Conventional IP Network system, the repeater does not behave as the Host Repeater.The repeater for which Deselected (Suspended) is configured synchronizes the timing to starttransmitting a beacon with reference to the Primary Host Repeater if the communications with thePrimary Host Repeater are available. If the communications with the Primary Host Repeater areunavailable, the Secondary Host Repeater becomes the reference repeater.The repeater for which Deselected (Suspended) is configured stops transmitting a beacon if thecommunications with the Host Repeater are unavailable.If the communications with the Primary Host Repeater or the Secondary Host Repeater arerestored, the repeater synchronizes the timing to start transmitting a beacon with reference to thePrimary Host Repeater or the Secondary Host Repeater.The behavior status is displayed in Beacon Operating Status.When the connection to the Primary Host Repeater or Secondary Host Repeater is established・ “Member” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of WEB Tool > Home.・ “Beacon Member” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of OLED > Network Information.When no connection to the Primary Host Repeater and the Secondary Host Repeater isestablished・ “None” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of WEB Tool > Home.・ “Beacon None” is displayed in Beacon Operating Status of OLED > Network Information.