14TK-860G/862G REALIGNMENTNo. Function Choices Display Remarks9 RF High power PWR_H___ ←Defaultpower Low power PWR_L___10 Wide/ Wide WIDE____Narrow Narrow NARROW__11 Scan DELETE SCAN_DEL Not used for 8chDelete/Add ADD SCAN_ADD ←Default12 Priority No P.CH_NO__ Not used when (Scan)channel Yes P.CH_YES_ priority is not fixed13 Home No H.CH_NO__ Not used when homechannel Yes H.CH_YES_ channel is not set inkey assignment14 Compander No COMP_NO_ Not used when wideis selectedYes COMP_YES15 PTT ID OFF P.ID_OFF_Begin of TX P.ID_1___End of TX P.ID_2___Both P.ID_3___16 Begin 000~ _BOT_ID_ Not valid if Dial ID=of TX ID 9999999999999999 disable and PTT ID=off, or EOT is setDisplay when an itemis selected (about0.5 seconds)12345678 Display of the currentsetting (If it is 8 ormore digits, scroll it)- - - - - 987 Display when a codeis input (Input it withDTMF key)Blank - - - - - - - - [ ] : Data clear17 End of 000~ _EOT_ID_ Not valid of Dial ID=TX ID 9999999999999999 Idisable and PTT ID=off, or BOT is setDisplay when an itemis selected (about0.5 seconds)12345678 Display of the currentsetting (If it is 8 ormore digits, scroll it)- - - - - 987 Display when a codeis input (Input it withDTMF key)Blank - - - - - - - - [ ] : Data clearNo. Function Choices Display Remarks3 TX Step STP__250 Display when an itemfrequency 2.5kHz~1MHz STP_1000 is selected or when astep is changed(about 0.5 seconds)[A] : Step change2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 7.5kHz,1MHz stepBlank - - - - - - - - [ ] : Frequency on/100.0000~ T.100.0000 blank switching550.0000MHz The rightmost dotindicates 50Hz digit(On=5, Off=0)4 TX Off - - - - - - - - [ ] : Off/QT/DQTsignalling QT 67.0~250.3Hz QT__67.0_ switching(EIA mode) QT_250.3_ [A] : Mode switchingQT 67.0~250.3Hz QT__67.0* [SCN] : Normal/(0.1Hz step mode) QT_250.3* Inverse switchingDQT 000~777 DQT000N*(Normal) DQT777N*(1 step mode)DQT 023~754 DQT023N_(Normal) DQT754N_(Standard table mode)DQT 000~777 DQT000I*(Inverse) DQT777I*(1 step mode)DQT 023~754 DQT023I_(Inverse) DQT754I_(Standard table mode)5 Option Off NONE____ ←Defaultsignalling DTMF DTMF____2-TONE 2TONE___6 ID 000~ ___ID___ Display when an item9999999999 is selected (about0.5 seconds)12345678 Display of the currentsetting (If it is 8 ormore digits, scroll it)- - - - - 987 Display when a codeis input (Input it withDTMF key)Blank - - - - - - - - [ ] : Data clear7 Busy No BCL_NO__ ←Defaultchannel Type 1 BCL_1___ BCL_YES_ for K typelockout Type 2 BCL_2___ Not used for K type8 Beat No SHFT_NO_ ←Defaultshift Yes SHFT_YES