Setting Up a Repetitive Burst Signal Setting Up Generic and Advanced SignalsKeysight 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator User’s Guide, April 2015 59Using the Remote Programming InterfacesThe following code performs the same tasks:Protect the DUT //disconnect channels:OUTP:CENT OFFSet Up the Instrument //set mode to rBurst, 4, 4:FUNC RBURST, 4, 4//set freq to 100 MHz:FREQ 100 MHzSet up Channel 1 //set signalmode to NRZ:DIG1:SIGN:FORM NRZ//set delay to 50 ps:DEL1 50 ps//set predefined levels to Custom values (Ampl=2V; Offset=0mV):VOLT1:AMPL 2 V; :VOLT1:OFFS 0 mV//enable output channel 1:OUTP1:POS ON//set datalength to 32:DIG:PATT:LENG 32//set pattern in channel 1:DIG1:PATT #23211100000000000000000000000000000, DUALGenerate the Signals //reconnect channels:OUTP:CENT ON// Prepare the trigger//set trigger mode to Data:OUTP0:SOUR BITS//set ampl to 1 V:VOLT0:AMPL 1 V//set offset to 0 V:VOLT0:OFFSET 0 V//enable trigger output:OUTP0 ON