18 ENGLISH3. Return the blade guard and center cover to itsoriginal position. Then tighten the hex socket bolt of thecenter cover clockwise to secure the center cover.4. Release the handle from the raised position bypulling the stopper pin. Lower the handle to make surethat the blade guard moves properly.5. Make sure the shaft lock has released spindlebefore making cut.)RUWRROZLWKWKHLQQHUÀDQJHIRU15.88 mm hole-diameter saw blade&RXQWU\VSHFL¿FMoount the blade carefully onto the spindle.ŹFig.34: 1.2XWHUÀDQJH2. Saw blade 3.,QQHUÀDQJH4. Hex socket bolt (left-handed) 5. Spindle)RUWRROZLWKWKHLQQHUÀDQJHIRUother than 20 mm or 15.88 mm hole-diameter saw blade&RXQWU\VSHFL¿F7KHLQQHUÀDQJHKDVDFHUWDLQGLDPHWHURIDEODGHmounting part on one side of it and a different diameterof blade mounting part on the other side. Choose aFRUUHFWVLGHRQZKLFKEODGHPRXQWLQJSDUW¿WVLQWRWKHsaw blade hole perfectly.ŹFig.35: 1.2XWHUÀDQJH2. Saw blade 3.,QQHUÀDQJH4. Hex socket bolt (left-handed) 5. Spindle6. Blade mounting partCAUTION: Make sure that the blade mountingSDUWDRQWKHLQQHUÀDQJHWKDWLVSRVLWLRQHGRXWVLGH¿WVLQWRWKHVDZEODGHKROHDSHUIHFWO\0RXQWLQJWKHblade on the wrong side can result in the dangerousvibration.Dust bagOptional accessoryThe use of the dust bag makes cutting operationscleaner and dust collection easier.7RDWWDFKWKHGXVWEDJ¿WLWRQWRWKHGXVWQR]]OHTo attach the fastener, align the top end of the fastenerwith the triangular mark on the dust bag.When the dust bag is about half full, remove the dustbag from the tool and pull the fastener out. Emptythe dust bag of its contents, tapping it lightly so as toremove particles adhering to the insides which mighthamper further collection.ŹFig.36: 1. Dust bag 2. Dust nozzle 3. FastenerNOTE: If you connect a vacuum cleaner to your saw,cleaner operations can be performed.Securing workpieceWARNING: It is extremely important to alwayssecure the workpiece correctly with the propertype of vise. Failure to do so may result in seriousSHUVRQDOLQMXU\DQGFDXVHGDPDJHWRWKHWRRODQGRUthe workpiece.WARNING: When cutting a workpiece thatis longer than the support base of the saw, sup-port the entire length of the material beyond thesupport base and at the same height to keep thematerial level. Proper workpiece support helps toavoid blade pinch and possible kickback which mayUHVXOWLQVHULRXVSHUVRQDOLQMXU\'RQRWUHO\VROHO\RQthe vertical vise and/or horizontal vise to secure theworkpiece. Thin material tends to sag. Support work-piece over its entire length to avoid blade pinch andpossible KICKBACK.ŹFig.37: 1. Support 2. Turn baseVertical viseWARNING: 6HFXUHWKHZRUNSLHFH¿UPO\against the turn base and guide fence with thevise during all operations. Otherwise the materialmay move during the cutting operation, cause dam-age to the blade, and be thrown which may result inORVVRIFRQWURODQGVHULRXVSHUVRQDOLQMXU\Install the vertical vise on either the left or right side ofthe guide fence or the holder assembly (optional acces-sory). Insert the vise rod into the hole in the guide fenceor the holder assembly and tighten the lower screw tosecure the vise rod.ŹFig.38: 1. Vise arm 2. Vise rod 3. Guide fence4. Holder 5. Holder assembly 6. Vise knob7. Lower screw 8. Upper screwPosition the vise arm according to the thickness andshape of the workpiece and secure the vise arm bytightening the upper screw. If the upper screw contactsthe guide fence, install the upper screw on the oppositeside of vise arm. Make sure that no part of the toolcontacts the vise when lowering the handle fully andpulling or pushing the carriage all the way. If some partcontacts the vise, re-position the vise.3UHVVWKHZRUNSLHFHÀDWDJDLQVWWKHJXLGHIHQFHDQGWKHturn base. Position the workpiece at the desired cuttingSRVLWLRQDQGVHFXUHLW¿UPO\E\WLJKWHQLQJWKHYLVHNQREHorizontal viseOptional accessoryWARNING: Grip the workpiece only when theindicator is at the topmost position. Failure to doVRPD\UHVXOWLQLQVXI¿FLHQWVHFXULQJRIWKHZRUNSLHFHThis may cause the workpiece to be thrown, causedamage to the blade or cause the loss of control,ZKLFKPD\UHVXOWLQSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ŹFig.39: 1. Vise knob 2. Indicator 3. Vise shaft4. Base