21 ENGLISHCutting crown and cove moldingsCrown and cove moldings can be cut on a compoundPLWHUVDZZLWKWKHPROGLQJVODLGÀDWRQWKHWXUQEDVHThere are two common types of crown moldings andone type of cove moldings; 52/38° wall angle crownmolding, 45° wall angle crown molding and 45° wallangle cove molding.ŹFig.45: 1. 52/38° type crown molding 2. 45° typecrown molding 3. 45° type cove molding7KHUHDUHFURZQDQGFRYHPROGLQJMRLQWVZKLFKDUHPDGHWR¿W,QVLGHFRUQHUV D DQG E LQWKH¿JXUH DQG2XWVLGHFRUQHUV F DQG G LQWKH¿JXUHŹFig.46: 1. Inside corner 2. Outside cornerŹFig.47: 1. Inside corner 2. Outside cornerMeasuring0HDVXUHWKHZDOOZLGWKDQGDGMXVWWKHZLGWKRIWKHworkpiece according to it. Always make sure that widthof the workpiece's wall contact edge is the same as walllength.ŹFig.48: 1. Workpiece 2. Wall width 3. Width of theworkpiece 4. Wall contact edgeAlways use several pieces for test cuts to check thesaw angles.When cutting crown and cove moldings, set the bevelangle and miter angle as indicated in the table (A) andposition the moldings on the top surface of the sawbase as indicated in the table (B).In the case of left bevel cutŹFig.49: 1. Inside corner 2. Outside cornerTable (A)– Moldingpositionin the¿JXUHBevel angle Miter angle52/38°type45° type 52/38°type45° typeForinsidecorner(a) Left33.9°Left 30° Right31.6°Right35.3°(b) Left31.6°Left35.3°Foroutsidecorner(c)(d) Right31.6°Right35.3°Table (B)– Moldingposition inWKH¿JXUHMoldingedge againstguide fenceFinishedpieceFor insidecorner(a) Ceilingcontact edgeshould beagainst guidefence.Finishedpiece will beon the Leftside of blade.(b) Wall contactedge shouldbe againstguide fence.For outsidecorner(c) Finishedpiece will beon the Rightside of blade.(d) Ceilingcontact edgeshould beagainst guidefence.Example:In the case of cutting 52/38° type crown molding forSRVLWLRQ D LQWKHDERYH¿JXUH• Tilt and secure bevel angle setting to 33.9° LEFT. $GMXVWDQGVHFXUHPLWHUDQJOHVHWWLQJWRRIGHT.• Lay crown molding with its broad back (hidden)surface down on the turn base with its CEILINGCONTACT EDGE against the guide fence on thesaw. 7KH¿QLVKHGSLHFHWREHXVHGZLOODOZD\VEHRQthe LEFT side of the blade after the cut has beenmade.Wood facingWARNING: Use screws to attach the woodfacing to the guide fence. The screws should beinstalled so that the screw heads are below thesurface of the wood facing so that they will notinterfere with the positioning of the material beingcut. Misalignment of the material being cut can caseunexpected movement during the cutting operationwhich may result in a loss of control and seriousSHUVRQDOLQMXU\CAUTION: Use the straight wood of eventhickness as the wood facing.Use of wood facing helps to assure splinter-free cutsin workpieces. Attach a wood facing to the guide fenceusing the holes in the guide fence.6HHWKH¿JXUHFRQFHUQLQJWKHGLPHQVLRQVIRUDVXJ-gested wood facing.1 135mm(1-3/8")100mm 70mm92mm 85mm(3-3/8")(2-3/4")(3-15/16")(3-5/8")27mm (1-1/16")(2"-2-3/8")50mm-60mm420mm (16-1/2")15mm (5/8")Fig.50ŹFig.50: 1. HolesNOTICE: When the wood facing is attached, donot turn the turn base with the handle lowered.The blade and/or the wood facing will be damaged.