Installing the Operating System with Express Setup 5-1110. Select the Windows family.Select "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Microsoft Windows Server2003 Enterprise Edition" category.NOTE: If you select "Skip" at step 8, this menu does not appear.Go on the step 13.11. Next, [Basic Information] wizard appears. Confirm the parameters, modify if necessary,and then click [Next].After that, click [Next], [Back], or [Help] on the screen to continue. Modify theparameters each time if necessary.IMPORTANT: Reserve the partition to install the OS more than the minimallyrequired size. If you select "Use Existing Array" at "New/Existing RAIDConfiguration", the information included in the first partition(excluding maintenance partition) will all be formatted and deleted.The information included in the other partition will be retained.In the figure below, describes the partition which information willbe deleted when maintenance partition exists.First PartitionRetainedSecondPartitionDeletedThirdPartitionRetainedFourthPartitionRetained You can not re-install the system with the existing partition that isupgraded to Dynamic Disk remained. Do not select "UseExisting Array" at "New/Existing RAID Configuration". If you specify other than 4095MB for the "Installing Partition", itis necessary to convert to NTFS. If "Use Existing Array" at "New/Existing RAID Configuration" isselected but the partition other than the one to install WindowsServer 2003 does not exist (excluding maintenance partition),Express Setup will reserve the maximum area of the hard diskdrive to install Windows Server 2003. You can not go to the next screen if the specification is incorrect.NOTES: If you click [Cancel] in [Basic Information] screen, the screen willgo back to select the OS. [Cancel] exists only in [BasicInformation] screen. If you click [OK] in [Role of Computer] screen, the setupautomatically selects default value for the later specification tocontinue the installation.