(125/137)23. LAN MAC Address23.1 LAN MAC Address ReadThis command is used in order to read the MAC Address.1) The controller requests the monitor to read MAC AddressHeader Message Check code DelimiterSOH-'0'-Monitor ID-'0'-'A'-'0'-'8'STX-'C'-'2'-'2'-'A'-‘0’-‘2’-ETX BCC CRHeaderSOH (01h) : Start of Header'0' (30h) : ReservedMonitor ID : Specify the Monitor ID from which you want to get status.Ex.) If Monitor ID is '1', specify 'A'.'0' (30h) : Message sender is the controller.'A' (41h) : Message Type is "Command".'0'-'8' (30h, 38h) : Message length is 8 bytes.MessageSTX (02h): Start of Message'C'-'2'-'2'-'A': LAN read command.‘0’-‘2’: MAC AddressETX (03h): End of MessageCheck codeBCC: Block Check CodeRefer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.DelimiterCR (0Dh): End of packet2) The monitor replies MAC Address to the controller.HeaderSOH (01h): Start of Header'0' (30h): Reserved'0' (30h): Message receiver is the controller.Monitor ID: Indicate a replying Monitor ID.Ex.) When this byte is set to 'A', the replying Monitor ID is '1'.'B' (42h): Message Type is "Command reply".LN(H)-LN(L): Message length (byte length), from STX to ETXMessageSTX(02h):Start of Message'C'-'3'-'2'-'A': LAN read reply command.‘0’-‘2’: MAC AddressRC: Reply result Code'0'-'0' (30h, 30h): Normal'F'-'F' (46h, 46h): AbnormalIPV: IPv4 or IPv6'0'-'4' (30h, 34h): IPv4'0'-'6' (30h, 36h): IPv6MAC(0-n): MAC AddressIn the case of IPv4 -> n = 4Header Message Check code DelimiterSOH-'0'-'0'-Monitor ID-'B'-LN(H)-LN(L)STX-'C'-'3'-'2'-'A'-RC-'0'-'2'-IPV-MAC(0)-....-MAC(n)-ETXBCC CR