(89/137)18. Input Name18.1 Input Name ReadThis command is used in order to read the setting of Input Name.1) The controller requests the monitor to reply Input Name setting.Header Message Check code DelimiterSOH-'0'-Monitor ID-'0'-'A'-'0'-'8'STX-'C'-'A'-'0'-'4'-'0'-'0'-ETX BCC CRHeaderSOH (01h): Start of Header'0' (30h): ReservedMonitor ID: Specify the Monitor ID of which you want to change a setting.Ex.) If Monitor ID is '1', specify 'A'.'0' (30h): Message sender is the controller.'A' (41h): Message type is "Command".'0'-'8'(30h, 38h): Message length (8bytes)MessageSTX (02h): Start of Message'C'-'A'-'0'-'4' (43h, 41h, 30h, 34h): Input Name Command'0'-'0' (30h. 30h): ReadETX (03h): End of MessageCheck codeBCC: Block Check CodeRefer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.DelimiterCR (0Dh): End of packet2) The monitor replies Input Name to the controller.Header Message CheckcodeDelimiterSOH-'0'-'0'-Monitor ID-'B'-LN(H)-LN(L)STX-'C'-'B'-'0'-'4'-'0'-'0'-Data(0)-Data(1)-Data(2)- --- -Data(n)-ETXBCC CRHeaderSOH (01h): Start of Header'0' (30h): Reserved'0' (30h): Message receiver is the controller.Monitor ID: Indicate a replying Monitor ID.Ex.) When this byte is set to ‘A’, replying monitor’s ID is ‘1’.'B' (42h): Message type is "Command reply".LN(H)-LN(L): Message length (byte length), from STX to ETXMessageSTX (02h): Start of Message'C'-'B'-'0'-'4' (43h, 42h, 30h, 34h): Input Name command reply'0'-'0' (30h, 30h): ReadData(n) : Input name *n = Max 7Ex.) The byte data 20h is encoded as ASCII characters '2' and '0' (32h and 30h).ETX (03h): End of MessageCheck codeBCC: Block Check CodeRefer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.