SPLITMUX Quad Screen Video Splitter49Figure 52- Text Menu- Full Screen Mode SettingsFull Screen Mode SettingsInput Channel Select the input channel assigned to Full ScreenEnable Scan Enable scanning for the full screen input channel- to automatically switch from one channel toanotherScan time Set the dwell time while scanning- the amount of time (in seconds) each channel will appearat full screen- range is 0-999Scan input 1-4 Select Yes or No to include input 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the scanning sequenceFigure 53- Text Menu- Quad Mode SettingsQuad Screen Mode SettingsEnable Border Choose whether or not to place a border around each input displayedBorder Color Choose the color of the border around each inputBorder Width Choose the width of the border around each input- from 0-50 pixelsAspect Ratio Choose whether or not to maintain the aspect ratio for each displayed image