144.1 Setting 901 – Lock Relay TimeAllowed Values = 0 - 255 Default value = 10The value for this setting is the time that the Lock relay activates for, inseconds, when a valid code is used or the REX input is activated.Note that a value of 0 for this setting will cause the Lock relay to be inlatching mode, making it alternate between open and closed on eachcode usage. This will also disable the REX input.Example: sets the lock relay time to 15 seconds.4.2 Setting 902 – Lock Relay ModeAllowed Values = 0 - 1 Default value = 0Set the Lock relay as NO (Normally Open, Fail Secure) or NC (NormallyClosed, Fail Safe), 0 = NO, 1 = NC.4.3 Setting 903 – REX Input ModeAllowed Values = 0 - 3 Default value = 0Sets how the REX input responds, 0 = NO momentary,1 = NC momentary, 2 = NO continuous, 3 = NC continuous.NO setting activates when REX is connected to 0V.NC setting activates when REX is disconnected from 0V.Momentary setting starts the Lock relay timing for the Lock relay whenthe REX activates, continuing to hold the REX active has no effect andthe REX input will not trigger the Lock relay again until it is released thenactivated again.Continuous setting activates the Lock relay for the entire time the REXinput is active, the Lock relay timing starts when the REX input is released.4.4 Setting 910 – Auxiliary ModeAllowed Values = 1 - 12 Default value = 8This setting determines the function of both the Auxiliary Input and theAuxiliary Relay. Descriptions of the input and relay functions areprovided after the summary table below.Mode Auxiliary Input Function Auxiliary Relay Function1 Lock REX Key2 Lock REX Direct Shunt3 Lock REX Tamper