LHM2A*RDA001A/E7 - 167.3.4 Rattle adjustment of H axisPurpose: Rattle adjustment between the H axis motor (44101-E015) and feed nut (44101-M511)1. Loosen SB3 × 8 (n = 4 for each) and adjustthe positions of the H axis motor (44101-E015)and feed nut (44101-M511) to perform rattleadjustment.2. Calibration of the shading plate position isnecessary (see 7.4.1).7.3.5 Rattle adjustment of V axisPurpose:Rattle adjustment between the V axis motor (44101-E018) and feed nut (44101-M557)1. Loosen SB5 × 10 (n = 4) and SB3 × 8 (n = 4),then adjust the positions of the V axis motor(44101-E018) and feed nut (44101-M557) toperform rattle adjustment of the V axis.2. Calibration of the shading plate position isnecessary (see 7.4.1).7.3.6 Rattle adjustment of θθθθθ axisPurpose: Rattle adjustment between the θ axis gear ASSY. (44101-5130) and θ axis motorASSY. (44101-5140)1. Loosen HH6 × 6 (n = 2) of the scissors gearASSY. (44101-5120), SB3 × 6 (n = 4) of the θaxis motor ASSY. (44101-5140), and FC4 ×10 (n = 4) of the θ axis gear ASSY. (44101-5130).E154SB3×8 5114SB3×84SB3×84SB5×10E185572HH6×6-512044101-514044101-5130441014SB3×64FC4×10