101General Camera SetupFn1 + selector dialAllows you to set the function to be performedwhen the multi selector is rotated while pressingthe w1 (function 1) button during shooting.E91Fn1 guide displayAllows you to set whether or not to display guidesfor the functions assigned to Fn1 + shutterbutton, Fn1 + command dial and Fn1 +selector dial in the monitor, when the w1(function 1) button is pressed during shooting.E92Fn2 button Allows you to set the operation to be performedwhen the w2 (function 2) button is pressed. E92Customize MyMenuAllows you to register frequently used menu itemsin My Menu (A72) (up to 5 items). E93Reset filenumberingAllows you to reset the sequential numbering offile numbers when Yes is selected. E94Accessory terminalAllows you to configure settings for the optionalWireless Remote Controller WR-R10 or GPS unitwhen either one is attached to the accessoryterminal.E95Eye-Fi uploadAllows you to set whether or not to enable thefunction for sending images to a computer usinga commercially available Eye-Fi card.E96MF distanceindicator unitsAllows you to set the unit of distance fordisplaying at screen gauge, to either m (meter) orft (feet) when using manual focus.E97Reverse indicatorsAllows you to set the +/– display direction ofindicators that are displayed for setting theexposure and bracketing when shooting mode isD.E97Flash control When set to Auto, the external flash unit(optional) fires when it is attached to the camera. E97Reset all Allows you to reset the camera’s settings to theirdefault values. E98Firmware version View the current camera firmware version. E98Option Description A