Conventions this Guide UsesNokia 105s Gateway Installation Guide 15Command-Line ConventionsYou might encounter one or more of the following elements on a command-line path.Table 1 Command-Line ConventionsConvention Descriptioncommand This required element is usually the product name or othershort word that invokes the product or calls the compiler orpreprocessor script for a compiled Nokia product. It mightappear alone or precede one or more options. You mustspell a command exactly as shown and use lowercaseletters.Italics Indicates a variable in a command that you must supply. Forexample:delete interface if_nameSupply an interface name in place of the variable. Forexample:delete interface nic1angle brackets < > Indicates arguments for which you must supply a value:retry-limit <1–100>Supply a value. For example:retry-limit 60Square brackets [ ] Indicates optional arguments.delete [slot slot_num]For example:delete slot 3