G e t t i n g s t a r t e d2 Charging the batteryDo not charge the battery wheneither of the phone covers isremoved.1. Connect the lead from thecharger to the base of the phone.2. Connect the charger to an ACwall outlet. The battery indicatorbar starts scrolling.• Charging BLB-2 battery withthe ACP-7 charger takes up to3 hours 30 minutes.• If Not charging is displayed,wait for a while, disconnectthe charger, plug it in again,and retry. If charging still fails,contact your dealer.3. When the battery is fullycharged, the bar stops scrolling.Disconnect the charger from theAC outlet and the phone. Switching on or offPress and hold the key for asecond.Warning! Do not switch onthe phone when wirelessphone use is prohibited orwhen it may causeinterference or danger.TIPS ON EFFICIENT OPERATION:Your phone has abuilt-in antenna. Aswith any other radiotransmitting device,do not touch theantenna unnecessarily when thephone is switched on. Contact withthe antenna affects call quality andmay cause the phone to operate at ahigher power level than otherwiseneeded. Not touching the antennaarea during a phone call optimisesthe antenna performance and thetalktime of your phone. !!"#$%