M e n u f u n c t i o n s25EnglishSeveral divert options may beactive at the same time. WhenDivert all voice calls withoutringing is activated, isshown on the display instandby mode.2. Set the selected option on(Activate) or off (Cancel),check whether the option isactivated by selecting Status,or specify a delay for certaindiverts in Set delay (notavailable for all divertoptions).2. Automatic redial: You can setyour phone to make up to tenattempts to connect the call afteran unsuccessful call attempt.3. Speed dialling: When thisfunction is on, you can dial thenames and phone numbersassigned to the speed dial keysto by pressing andholding the corresponding key.4. Call waiting options: When thisnetwork service is activated, thenetwork notifies you of a newincoming call while you have acall in progress.5. Own number sending: You canset your phone number to bedisplayed (On) or hidden (Off)from the person you are calling(network service). When youselect Set by network, the settingagreed with your service provideris used.6. Phone line in use: With thisnetwork service you can selectthe phone line 1 or 2 for makingcalls, or prevent line selection, ifsupported by your SIM card.Incoming calls can be answeredno matter which line you select.However, you will not be able tomake calls if you select line 2without subscribing to thisnetwork service. When line 2 isselected, "2" is shown on thedisplay in the standby mode.Shortcut to switch thelines: In standby mode,press and hold .7. Automatic answer: You can setyour phone to answer anincoming call after one ring whenthe phone is connected to thePlug and Play Handsfree (PPH-1)or the headset (HDC-5).Phone settings (Menu 4-4)1. Language: You can select thelanguage for the display texts.2. Cell info display: You can set thephone to indicate when it is usedin a cellular network based onMicro Cellular Network (MCN)technology (network service). Insuch a network, local calls maycost less than otherwise.3. Welcome note: You can key in amessage which will show brieflyon the display when the phone isswitched on. $ !!"#$%