M e n u f u n c t i o n s264. Network selection: You can setthe phone to automatically selecta cellular network available inyour area, or you may select thedesired network manually. Thenetwork you select must have aroaming agreement with yourhome network.5. Lights: You can set the displayand keypad lights on or off whenthe phone is connected to thePlug and Play Handsfree (PPH-1).6. Confirm SIM service actions: Youcan set the phone to show or hideconfirmation messages when youuse the SIM card services (seepage 41).Keylock settings (Menu 4-5)You can activate automatic keypadlock so that you do not have to do itmanually time and time again.The automatic key guard activateswhen the phone is in standby modeand the selected time delay expires.To activate automatic keylock:1. Enter Keylock settings bypressing Select, and choose On.2. Key in the time in minutes andseconds after Set delay: appearson the display.The default time is one minute(01:00). The maximum value forthe delay is 59 minutes 59seconds and the minimum is 10seconds.Note: When the Keypad lock is on,calls may be possible to theemergency number programmedinto your phone, (e.g. 112 or otherofficial number).Security settings(Menu 4-6)Note: When securityfeatures, which restrictcalls, are in use (call barring,closed user group and fixeddialling), calls may bepossible to certainemergency numbers insome networks (e.g. 112 orother official emergencynumber).• PIN code request: You can setyour phone to ask for the PINcode of the SIM card when thephone is switched on. Some SIMcards do not allow turning offthis function.• Call barring service: With thisnetwork service you can restrictthe making and receiving of callswith your phone. Select one ofthe barring options and set theoption on (Activate) or off(Cancel). check whether a serviceis activated by choosing Status.• Fixed dialling: You can restrictyour outgoing calls to selectedphone numbers, if allowed byyour SIM card. % !!"#$%