M e n u f u n c t i o n s19EnglishPicture messages(Menu 01-5)You can receive and send messagesthat contain pictures (networkservice). The picture messages aresaved in this folder. Note that:• Each picture message is made upof several text messages.Therefore, sending one picturemessage may cost more than onetext message.• Since picture messages are savedin the phone, you cannot viewthem if you use the SIM card withanother phone.Note: This function can beused only if it is supportedby your network operator orservice provider. Onlyphones that offer picturemessage features canreceive and display picturemessages.When you receive a picturemessageTo view the message immediately,press View. Then you can save themessage by pressing Save; if youpress Back, you can choose todiscard the picture message.To view the message later, press Exit,and save the message in the folder.When you save a new picturemessage, you may need to replacethe factory installed picture messagein the phone.Editing a picture message1. Scroll to a picture message andpress View.2. Press Options and select Edit.3. Edit the picture. Refer to "Pictureeditor (Menu 5)" on page 27.Sending a picture messageWithin this menu, scroll to a picturemessage and press View. You cansend it without editing by pressingOptions and selecting Forward. Ifyou want to add some text beforesending the message, press Optionsand select Edit text. To view thewhole message, press Options andselect Preview.Templates (Menu 01-6)You can view, edit, or erase thepreset messages (’templates’) thatcan be used for writing a message.Scroll to the desired template andpress Read. To edit or erase thetemplate, press Options and selectthe desired function.When editing a template, pressingOptions allows access to a furtherset of functions, including Send andSave.You can create a template fromscratch by selecting one of theempty templates at the end of thetemplate list. ' !!"#$%