B a t t e r y s t a t e m e n t s426. Battery statements Charging andDischargingYour phone is powered by arechargeable battery.Note that a new battery's fullperformance is achieved only aftertwo or three complete charge anddischarge cycles!The battery can be charged anddischarged hundreds of times but itwill eventually wear out. When theoperating time (talk-time andstandby time) is noticeably shorterthan normal, it is time to buy a newbattery.Use only batteries approved by thephone manufacturer and rechargeyour battery only with the chargersapproved by the manufacturer.Unplug the charger when not in use.Do not leave the battery connectedto a charger for longer than a week,since overcharging may shorten itslifetime. If left unused a fullycharged battery will discharge itselfover time.Temperature extremes can affect theability of your battery to charge.For good operation times with Ni-Cd/NiMh batteries, discharge thebattery from time to time by leavingyour phone switched on until it turnsitself off (or by using the batterydischarge facility of any approvedaccessory available for your phone).Do not attempt to discharge thebattery by any other means.Use the battery only for its intendedpurpose.Never use any charger or batterywhich is damaged.Do not short-circuit the battery.Accidental short-circuiting canoccur when a metallic object (coin,clip or pen) causes direct connectionof the + and - terminals of thebattery (metal strips on the battery)for example when you carry a sparebattery in your pocket or purse.Short-circuiting the terminals maydamage the battery or theconnecting object.Leaving the battery in hot or coldplaces, such as in a closed car insummer or winter conditions, willreduce the capacity and lifetime ofthe battery. Always try to keep thebattery between 15°C and 25°C. Aphone with a hot or cold battery maytemporarily not work, even when thebattery is fully charged. Batteries'performance is particularly limitedin temperatures well below freezing.Do not dispose of batteries in a fire!Dispose of batteries according tolocal regulations (e.g. recycling). Donot dispose as household waste. & !!"#$%