M e n u f u n c t i o n s27English• Closed user group: With thisnetwork service you can specify agroup of people whom you cancall and who can call you.• Security level: When the Securitylevel is set to Phone, the phoneasks for the security code atstart-up if the SIM card insertedis not the one it last used. Whenthe Security level is set toMemory, the security code isrequired when you select thephone’s internal phone book.The security code is also requiredfor using some functions, forexample, to clear the phone bookor to restore the factory settings.Note that when you change thesecurity level, all the recent callslists including missed calls (Menu2-1), received calls (Menu 2-2)and dialled numbers (Menu 2-3),are cleared.• Change access codes: You canchange the security code, PINcode, PIN2 code, or barringpassword. These codes caninclude the numbers 0 to 9 only.Note: Avoid using accesscodes similar to theemergency numbers, such as112, to prevent accidentaldialling of the emergencynumber.Restore factory settings(Menu 4-7)You can reset the menu settings totheir original values. This functionhas no effect, for example, on thenames and phone numbers in thephone book. Pictureeditor(Menu 5)You can use this function to createnew pictures or modify existingpictures and save them in the phone.Entering the drawing mode• To create a new picture fromscratch, do the following:1. In the standby mode, pressMenu, scroll to Picture Editorand press Select.2. Choose New.3. Choose the format of thepicture: Picture msg. or Clipart. Different formats are ofdifferent sizes.4. Draw the picture. See"Drawing the picture" on page28.• To modify an existing picture,choose either Edit existing fromthe picture editor’s menu, orselect a picture from Picturemessages (Menu 01-5), thenchoose Edit from the options list. !!"#$%