G e t t i n g s t a r t e d3English Display and standbymodeThe indicators described below areshown when the phone is ready foruse, with no characters keyed in bythe user. This screen is called‘standby mode’.1. Indicates which cellular networkthe phone is using.2. Shows the signal intensity of thecellular network at your currentlocation.3. Shows the battery charge level.4. Shows the current function ofthe soft keys. Changing the coversBefore changing the cover, alwaysswitch off the power and disconnectthe phone from the charger or anyother device. Always store and usethe phone with the covers attached.1. Press the front cover releasebutton (1), open the front coverfrom the top (2) and remove it.2. Insert the keypad mat in the frontcover (3).3. Align the bottom of the frontcover to the bottom of the phone,press the front cover to lock itinto place (4). " !!"#$%