M e s s a g e s16Distribution listThe distribution list allows you tosend messages to a group ofcontacts. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Messages > Distribution lists.To create a distribution list selectNew list if lists have not beencreated or Options > Create newlist > name your list > OK to createadditional lists. To populate yourlist, select Add new and select acontact from your contacts list.To use, rename or modify adistribution list highlight thedistribution list and select Options >Send text message, send multimedia,Rename list:, Clear list or Delete list.TemplatesTemplates are short, prewrittenmessages that can be recalled andinserted into new text messages.1. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Messages > Textmessages > Create message >Options > Use template.2. Select one of the availabletemplates.3. Select Send > Send to number,Send to e-mail, Send to many orSend to distrib. list (if a distributionlist has been created) > Select.A distribution list only containsphone numbers of recipients andis selected from a list ofpredefined groups you create.4. Enter the recipient’s phonenumber or select Search andselect a number from yourcontacts list. Select Send.Read messageWhen you receive a message, anotification message displays.1. Select Show to read the messageor Exit to dismiss the notificationand read the message later.2. Scroll up or down to view thewhole message, if necessary.OptionsWhen you read a text message, someor all of the following options areavailable:Delete — Discard the message.Use number — Use or save thenumber. Select Options > Add tocontact, Send message or Call.Note: The number can besaved only if it is shownwithin inverted commas.Use web link — Displays if a URL isincluded in the message.Save address — Lists the e-mailaddresses included in the message.Select Save to save the e-mailaddress as a new phone book entryor select Options > Add to names or