S e t t i n g s51and phone number you want todial, then card number (+ PIN, ifrequired).5. Enter the required information(access number or prefix and cardnumber), and select OK toconfirm your entries.6. Select Card name, enter the cardname, and select OK.Make callsAfter you have saved your calling cardinformation in your device, you canmake a call using your calling card.1. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Call settings >Calling card.2. Enter your lock code, and selectOK. See ”Change lock code” onpage 57.3. Scroll to the calling card of yourchoice, select Options > Select >OK.4. Press the end key to return to thestandby mode; then enter thephone number, including anyprefix (such as 0 or 1) that yourcalling card may require whenyou make a calling card call. Seeyour calling card for instructions.5. Press and hold the call key for afew seconds until Card call isdisplayed.6. When you hear the tone orsystem message, select OK.International prefixYou can store an international diallingprefix into your device. When youenter + at the beginning of a phonenumber, your device automaticallyinserts the international dialling prefixthat you have stored after you pressthe call key. See ”Insert diallingcodes” on page 33.Data or fax callsData or fax calling is a network service.See ”Network Services” on page viii. Ifyour wireless service provider supportsthis feature, you can set up the deviceto send or receive data or fax callswhen a terminal, such as a PDA orPC, is connected.For better performance during datacalls, place the device on astationary surface with the keypadfacing downward. Do not move thedevice by holding it in your handduring a data call.For more information onconnectivity, refer to the PC/PDAConnectivity Guide which can bedownloaded from the Nokia websiteat http://www.nokia-asia.com.