EMERGENCY CALLSEnsure the device is switchedon and in service. Press theend key as many times asneeded to clear the displayand return to the main screen.Enter the emergency number,then press the call key. Giveyour location. Do not end thecall until given permission todo so.■ About your deviceThe wireless devices described in thisguide are approved for use on the CDMA800, 1900 and AMPS networks. Contactyour service provider for moreinformation about networks.When using the features in this device,obey all laws and respect privacy and thelegitimate rights of others.Warning: To use any features inthis device, other than the alarmclock, the device must beswitched on. Do not switch thedevice on when wireless phoneuse may cause interference ordanger.■ Network ServicesTo use the device you must have servicefrom a wireless service provider. Many ofthe features in this device depend onfeatures in the wireless network tofunction. These Network Services maynot be available on all networks or youmay have to make specific arrangementswith your service provider before you canutilize them. Your service provider mayneed to give you additional instructionsfor their use and explain what chargeswill apply. Some networks may havelimitations that affect how you can useNetwork Services. For instance, somenetworks may not support alllanguage-dependent characters andservices.Your service provider may have requestedthat certain features be disabled or notactivated in your device. If so, they willnot appear on your device menu. Contactyour service provider for moreinformation.■ Shared memoryThe following device features may sharememory: contacts; text messages;photos, images, and tones in Gallery;calendar notes; games; and applications.Use of one or more of these features mayreduce the memory available for theremaining features sharing memory. Ifyour phone displays a message that thememory is full when you try to use ashared memory feature, delete some ofthe information or entries stored in theshared memory features beforecontinuing. Some of the features, such asphotos, images, and tones in Gallery; textmessages; and applications may have acertain amount of memory speciallyallotted to them in addition to thememory shared with other features.viii