R e f e r e n c e i n f o r m a t i o n84HEARING AIDSSome digital wireless devices mayinterfere with some hearing aids. Ifinterference occurs, consult your serviceprovider.■ VehiclesRF signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehicles suchas electronic fuel injection systems,electronic anti-skid (antilock) brakingsystems, electronic speed controlsystems, air bag systems. For moreinformation, check with themanufacturer or its representative ofyour vehicle or any equipment that hasbeen added.Only qualified personnel should servicethe device, or install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation or service maybe dangerous and may invalidate anywarranty that may apply to the device.Check regularly that all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle is mountedand operating properly. Do not store orcarry flammable liquids, gases, orexplosive materials in the samecompartment as the device, its parts, orenhancements. For vehicles equippedwith an air bag, remember that an airbags inflate with great force. Do notplace objects, including installed orportable wireless equipment in the areaover the air bag or in the air bagdeployment area. If in-vehicle wirelessequipment is improperly installed and theair bag inflates, serious injury couldresult.FCC regulations prohibit using yourwireless device while in the air. The use ofwireless telephones in an aircraft may bedangerous to the operation of theaircraft, disrupt the wireless telephonenetwork, and may be illegal.■ Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch off your device when in any areawith a potentially explosive atmosphereand obey all signs and instructions.Potentially explosive atmospheresinclude areas where you would normallybe advised to turn off your vehicleengine. Sparks in such areas could causean explosion or fire resulting in bodilyinjury or even death. Switch off thedevice at refuelling points such as neargas pumps at service stations. Observerestrictions on the use of radioequipment in fuel depots, storage, anddistribution areas, chemical plants orwhere blasting operations are inprogress. Areas with a potentiallyexplosive atmosphere are often but notalways clearly marked. They includebelow deck on boats, chemical transfer orstorage facilities, vehicles using liquefiedpetroleum gas (such as propane orbutane), and areas where the air containschemicals or particles such as grain, dustor metal powders.Failure to observe these instructions maylead to suspension or denial of telephoneservices to the offender, legal action, orboth.